

2023-05-23 21:58:51 编辑:join 浏览量:610


此曲来自艾弗森的第一张个人专辑:《Retitled to Misunderstood》 ,发行与2000年。  《last night》歌词:  yo yo whats boorgy town. sicken the mongness swing at i    哟,哟,多么粗野的城镇. 我像一个破落的商人一样。    i beat show maker rule shake it shake it down    我打败所有规则出来的规则,  i be the negro what a ha profa  我是一个玷污神明的黑鬼,  everybody come on    所有人一起,  we will be the shaker what'a crazy star  我们都会成为超级明星,    so what everybody had enjoyed crazy wild look (down)    所以所有人都喜欢疯狂野性的样子。  rock it in the sigh    在信仰面前疯狂,    chilly women happy (wow)    像一个沉默的女人一样,    be the big down explaining the heart but super cheater    成为这个大城镇上最好心的超级骗子,    baby baby come on    来吧,宝贝儿,  you better rock with me    你最好和我一起,    i be the hasha blade for no what you may lay in    我会成为毫毕物清无掩饰的锋利刀口,  making everybody scream  让所有人尖叫,    making everybody dance    让所有人疯狂,  i am the king of the swear  我是疯狂之王,  or will you rock in dead    或者直到死去。  cause when we in the place that we talk in shock in the world  因为我们在这个地方谈论改变世界,    cause we will bullshit and speak makes it rocks in a city    因为我们会在嘴上改变这个世界,    last night a jewel saved my life, now that all you want    昨夜上帝拯救了我,现在这就是我所有想要的,    last night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on    昨夜上帝拯救了我,那儿有个聚会,    last night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy time    昨夜上帝拯救了我,时间暂停了,    last night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on now    昨夜上帝拯救了我,现在开始那儿有个聚会。    yo wow wrong wanna a chair    哟,错误要一把椅子,  super negro wanna said    超级黑鬼想要说话了。  hanging out man negro show will love some of a faggot    街上游荡的黑鬼会爱上一些人,    you are murd when i dread to make a (reabian) connect  当我开始害怕有感觉的时候你就是个杀人犯,  to yo babies dont try helicopter pipe-check  宝贝儿们不要蚂亏去尝试大麻之类的东西,    we'll be smoking a cigar     我们会抽一只手前雪茄,    so as bad as sharper     就像一个骗子,    rocking down somebody everywhere of a party over there     会挑衅每一个在聚会上的人,    man (scrool) sweetie homie sot all the danstroll mad all train the city cause we the best droll  兄弟们,哥们儿们,酒鬼,所有人会乘坐环绕城市的火车,因为我们都很滑稽,    size the rockies to flat by a squash    我们都会被压扁,    like a super star try to right up at the top    像一个超级明星走到最顶端,    whoever say no way, check it out the quality's down    谁说都没用,就让我们看看到底有什么本事,    whoever like it or moaning out turning our stuff around    那些在四周抱怨我们的作品的人。    last night a jewel saved my life, now that all you want    昨夜上帝拯救了我,现在这就是我所有想要的,  last night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on    昨夜上帝拯救了我,那儿有个聚会,    last night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy time    昨夜上帝拯救了我,时间暂停了,    last night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on now  昨夜上帝拯救了我,现在开始那儿有个聚会。    should get down jungle fibre getting tie    会把所有人的自由拿走。    boogy night    疯狂的夜晚,  smoothy is looking for kill    最懦弱的都在杀人,    we'll be the one and the male    我们会成为最吊的男人,    we'll be the top place wrong place raping the world    我们会在最繁华和最肮脏的城市,诉说这世界,    cause we would have top place now start the pub    因为我们从踏进这间酒吧就已经是最厉害的了,    we'll be the hard too, shaking everybody what a tough shit bar    我们仍然会坚持,打败所有流氓,    man (snegro) rocks for its tale    男人们在最后面,    beating me in the dance    和我彪舞,    my moving making everybody dance    我的舞步让每个人都跟着我,    i'll be the dance    我会一直跳,    keep surprising everybody with a jet    让每个人都会惊讶,    and never tell mine too, my thingy got to swing it with me    也不会告诉我的人,我会随机应变,  you taking over your mind    你在和你的大脑争辩,  cause where the jackets were the baseline    因为外衣就是你的底线,    checking it hard cause we'll be the place sudden start bald day    来看看吧,我们会毫不掩饰自己,    last night a jewel saved my life, now that all you want    昨夜上帝拯救了我,现在这就是我所有想要的,    last night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on    昨夜上帝拯救了我,那儿有个聚会,    last night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy time    昨夜上帝拯救了我,时间暂停了,    last night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on now    昨夜上帝拯救了我,现在开始那儿有个聚会。  damn number rare yo, yeah, come on ,come on ,come on, come on    很少数的人,  yeah, come on ,come on ,come on, come on     damn number rare yo    很少的人yo    moving (water bang) out yo    都摇起来吧 yo    swing twenty fold pop yo (mold chimney) fly yo    转二十圈 ,然后飞起来yo    last night a jewel saved my life, now that all you want    昨夜上帝拯救了我,现在这就是我所有想要的,  last night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on    昨夜上帝拯救了我,那儿有个聚会,    last night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy time    昨夜上帝拯救了我,时间暂停了,    last night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on now    昨夜上帝拯救了我,现在开始那儿有个聚会。    last night a jewel saved my life, now that all you want    昨夜上帝拯救了我,现在这就是我所有想要的,  last night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on    昨夜上帝拯救了我,那儿有个聚会,    last night a jewel saved my life, now is bergy time    昨夜上帝拯救了我,时间暂停了    last night a jewel saved my life, there's a party going on now    昨夜上帝拯救了我,现在开始那儿有个聚会。


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