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《If We Hold On Together》这首英文歌麻烦请翻译成中文。

2023-06-06 17:37:33 编辑:join 浏览量:626

《If We Hold On Together》这首英文歌麻烦请翻译成中文。

Don't lose your way不要再迷惘了With each passing day带上你的激情You've come so far你都已经羡敏燃走了那么长了Don't throw it away不要抛弃Live believing生活的信念Dreams are for weaving梦想正朝你招手Wonders are waiting to start美好正等待着你去挖掘Live your story开始你的生活吧Faith hope and glory想念,希望和荣誉Hold to the truth In your heart坚持你心中的真实If we hold on together如果我们齐心协力I know our dreams Will never die我知道我们的梦想不会消灭Dreams see us through To forever梦想会到达我们的永远Where clouds roll by For you and I云层会这你和我而翻腾Souls in the winds风中的灵魂must learn how to bend必须学会怎样屈身Seek out a star找出黑暗中的星星Hold on to the end坚持到底Valley, mountain山谷,山岳There is a fountain有一个喷泉Washes our tears All away去抺掉我们的眼泪Words are swaying梦想正拿雹在动摇Someone is praying有的人在祈祷Please let us come Home to stay请让我们回兄虚到我们的家吧If we hold on together如果我们齐心协力I know our dreams Will never die我知道我们的梦想不会消灭Dreams see us through To forever梦想会到达我们的永远Where clouds roll by For you and I云层会这你和我而翻腾When we are out there In the dark当我们处在黑暗之外时We'll dream about the sun我们会想念太阳In the dark当我们处在黑暗中时We'll feel the light Warm our hearts我们可以感觉到心中的灯光EveryoneIf we hold on together如果我们齐心协力I know our dreams Will never die我知道我们的梦想不会消灭Dreams see us through To forever梦想会到达我们的永远As high As souls can fly就像风和灵魂一样翱翔吧The clouds roll by For you and i云层会这你和我而翻腾


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