1、I have been here all the time.
have been已经
here在这里; 这时; 在这一点上; 这里首好陪; 喂; 嗨
all the time一直; 向来, 一向; 时时刻刻; 每时每刻
Dearest, please be brave. I have been here all the time.
2、I am always here.
always常常; 总是,老是; 永远,始终; 不断地
If you need someone to take to, I am always here!
3、I am always with you.
with you与你同在
I visited your blog, coz I want to let you 者蠢know I am always with you.
4、I'm always here
You'll tell me tenderly: No matter what you want, I'm always here.
5、I always by your side.
side侧面; 方面; 旁边; 面,边; 侧面的; 旁边的; 次要的,枝节的
Let's dream together. you're not alone. let's win together. I'm always by your side.