

2023-03-15 03:26:42 编辑:join 浏览量:634


Beyonce - Halo / 碧昂丝 — 光环Remember those walls I built \ 还记得我筑起的那些高墙Well baby they're tumbling down \ 宝贝,它们已经轰然倒塌And they didn't even put up a fight \ 它们甚至没进行一丝反抗They didn't even make a sound \ 它们甚至没发出任何声响I found a way to let you in \ 我让你进入了我的世界But I never really had a doubt \ 但我从未有过一丝怀疑Standing in the light of your halo \ 站在你的光环之下I got my angel now \ 我找到了我的天使It's like I've been awakened \ 就好像被你唤醒一样Every rule I had you breakin' \ 你打破了我的每一个束缚It's the risk that I'm takin' \ 我正冒着极大的风险I ain't never gonna shut you out \ 我永远都不会拒你于门外Everywhere I'm looking now \ 我眼前每一个所见之处I'm surrounded by your embrace \ 都被你的双臂紧紧围绕Baby I can see your halo \ 宝贝我能看得见你的光环You know you're my saving grace \ 知道吗谈嫌,你就是我的守护天使You're everything I need and more \ 你是我所需的一切,甚至更多It's written all over your face \ 这全都写在了你的脸上Baby I can feel your halo \ 宝贝我能感觉到你的光环Pray it won't fade away \ 祈祷它永远也不会消逝I can feel your halo (halo) halo \ 我能感觉到你的光环(光环)光环I can see your halo (halo) halo \ 我能看得见你的光环(光环)光环I can feel your halo (halo) halo \ 我能感觉到你的光环(光环)光环I can see your halo (halo) halo \ 我能看得见你的光环(光环)光环Hit me like a ray of sun \ 你就像阳光一样照耀着我Burning through my darkest night \ 点燃我最黑升缺暗的夜晚You're the only one that I want \ 你是我唯一的至爱Think I'm addicted to your light \ 我已为你的光芒所倾倒I swore I'd never fall again \ 我曾发誓永远不会再爱But this don't even feel like falling \ 但现在的感觉已超越了爱情Gravity can't forget \ 别忘了地球还有引力To pull me to the ground again \ 请让我再次回归现实Feels like I've been awakened \ 就好像被你唤醒一样Every rule I had you breakin' \ 你打破了我的每一个束缚The risk that I'm takin' \ 我正冒着极大的风险I'm never gonna shut you out \ 我永远都不会拒你于门外Everywhere I'm looking now \ 我眼前每一个所见之处I'm surrounded by your embrace \ 都被你的双臂紧紧围绕Baby I can see your halo \ 宝贝我能看含笑手得见你的光环You know you're my saving grace \ 知道吗,你就是我的守护天使You're everything I need and more \ 你是我所需的一切,甚至更多It's written all over your face \ 这全都写在了你的脸上Baby I can feel your halo \ 宝贝我能感觉到你的光环Pray it won't fade away \ 祈祷它永远也不会消逝I can feel your halo (halo) halo \ 我能感觉到你的光环(光环)光环I can see your halo (halo) halo \ 我能看得见你的光环(光环)光环I can feel your halo (halo) halo \ 我能感觉到你的光环(光环)光环I can see your halo (halo) halo \ 我能看得见你的光环(光环)光环I can feel your halo (halo) halo \ 我能感觉到你的光环(光环)光环I can feel your halo (halo) halo \ 我能感觉到你的光环(光环)光环I can feel your halo (halo) halo \ 我能感觉到你的光环(光环)光环I can see your halo (halo) halo \ 我能看得见你的光环(光环)光环Halooooo ouuuu \ 光环.......Halooooo ouuuu \ 光环.......Ouuuuu ouuuuu ouuuuu \ 光环.......Everywhere I'm looking now \ 我眼前每一个所见之处I'm surrounded by your embrace \ 都被你的双臂紧紧围绕Baby I can see your halo \ 宝贝我能看得见你的光环You know you're my saving grace \ 知道吗,你就是我的守护天使You're everything I need and more \ 你是我所需的一切,甚至更多It's written all over your face \ 这全都写在了你的脸上Baby I can feel your halo \ 宝贝我能感觉到你的光环Pray it won't fade away \ 祈祷它永远也不会消逝I can feel your halo (halo) halo \ 我能感觉到你的光环(光环)光环I can see your halo (halo) halo \ 我能看得见你的光环(光环)光环I can feel your halo (halo) halo \ 我能感觉到你的光环(光环)光环I can see your halo (halo) halo \ 我能看得见你的光环(光环)光环I can feel your halo (halo) halo \ 我能感觉到你的光环(光环)光环I can see your halo (halo) halo \ 我能看得见你的光环(光环)光环I can feel your halo (halo) halo \ 我能感觉到你的光环(光环)光环I can see your halo (halo) halo \ 我能看得见你的光环(光环)光环望采纳~


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