

2023-07-20 23:38:00 编辑:join 浏览量:577


Nobody’s gonna next me 我的身边无人陪伴-'Cause they know They know 他们知道 他们知道I take what's mine and won't let it go 那是我的力量绝不湮灭Doesn’t matter How you approach the 无论你如何踟蹰盘旋-just hope just hope 只是希望 只是希望You are everything and more when you hit the door你是我的一切 离开后我才理解I dare you to challenge me You'll be begging for mercy ,please有胆就来挑战 你定会跪地求饶just watch i’ll give you something to follow给你来个下马威吧'Cause I’ve withing for so patiently这一刻我静候已久-To let the fire come out in me胸中火焰迟槐亮喷薄而出I’m what you’re up against Just letting you know尝尝炙热的火焰I keep giving you the fire I'm gonna heat it up under my controal尝尝燃烧的力量Here’s the nght That you 've been waiting on在这个期待已久的夜晚Fire 火焰I'm gonna light it up Gotta make it hot我要点燃火焰 燃烧热情The stage is mine I'll set it on 我的舞台我做主The king is gone And no one can take hia crown没有任何束缚 没有谁发号施令-So brave So brave 要勇敢 要勇敢They can't cool me off When I hit the stage没人能浇灭我的舞台热情Burning hot The spotlight Just spelled my name火光闪亮 聚光灯打出我的名字-I feel famous Famous 声名璀璨 声名璀璨The crowed cheers me on They can't got enough人群拥挤 热情不减I keep giving you the fire I'm gonna heat it up under my controal尝尝燃烧的力量Here’s the nght That you 've been waiting on在这个期待已久的夜明宴晚Fire 火焰I'm gonna light it up Gotta make it hot我要点燃火焰 燃烧热情The stage is mine I'll set it on 我的舞台我做主I keep giving you the fire I'm gonna heat it up under my controal尝尝燃烧的力量Here’s the nght That you 've been waiting on在这个期待已久的夜晚Fire 火焰I'm gonna light it up Gotta make it hot我要点燃火焰 燃烧热情The stage is mine I'll set it on 我的舞台我做主码宽Fire 火焰我自己打的,打了好久,原创哦!!


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