

2023-07-31 10:55:17 编辑:join 浏览量:609


LOL里瑞文说的话:一、What is broken can be reforged!断剑重铸之日骑士归来之时!二、Movement/Attacking移动/攻击三、My hands are stained.我的双手沾满了罪孽.四、So long I've wandered...我彷徨了很久五、My spirit is not lost!我还没有失去我的灵魂!六、How should I proceed?该怎么做才好?七、A sword mirrors its owner.剑是主人的镜子八、Choose your own path.选择你自己的路吧九、Learn from your mistakes.从失败中学习十、They've crossed the line!他们跨过了轮陪卖界限!十一、The time for talk is over.和平会谈的时间结束了十二、What conflict awaits?冲突在等待什么?十三、To serve the greater good.尊从至高神的决定十四、Violence to end the violence.用暴力解决暴力十五、So much death...如此多的死亡…十六、A necessary strike.一次腊逗必要的袭击十七、For those who were lost.为了失去的人们十八、It must come to past.这一切必须结束.十九乱档、Chat of time is over闲聊时间已经结束二十、I am awakened.我已经觉醒!二十一、There is no other way.没有其他道路了二十二、They cannot go unpunished!他们不能逍遥而去!二十三、The time for talk is over.和平会谈的时间结束了二十四、I know my purpose.十分清楚和明确二十五、A broken blade is more than enough for the likes of you!一把断剑足够应付你这样的对手二十六、I knew I should have sprung for the blade warranty.我早该为这剑买保险


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