

2023-10-23 02:13:33 编辑:join 浏览量:569

请问谁有韩国歌手tim的一首歌<morning star>的歌词?谢谢

Water to my soul Love that makes me whole Apart from you I'm lost Your mercy is so deep Your sacrifice complete Apart from you I'm lost Looking back on all those times I should have known how you stood there right beside me All my wrongs you have atoned You wiped away my tears I'm not alone CHORUS Praise and glory to your name You will always be the same Let all know you are holy I'll remain in you and you remain in me I'm not you are the morning star Let my life now show That your mercy overflows in me Looking back on all those times I could see now you stood there right beside me All my suffering my shame You made them all your own for me you came CHORUS Praise and glory to your name You will always be the same Let all know you are holy I'拿埋ll remain in you and you remain in me I'm not you are the morning star Let my life now show That your mercy overflows in me There is no one else but you that I desire Cause I'消携蚂ve seen the glory of your sacrifice I will offer you my everything My heart and all my soul I trust in you alone CHORUS Praise and glory to your name You will always be the same Let all know you are holy I'll remain in you and you remain in me I'隐厅m not you are the morning star Let my life now show That your mercy overflows in me 我也喜欢听这首歌


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