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词典结果:trumpet[英]['trʌmpɪt][美][ˈtrʌmpɪt]n.喇叭; 小号; [乐]音栓; 喇叭似的声音; vt.大声说岁亮弊出或宣告; vi.吹喇叭,吹小号; 发出回声; 第三人称单数:trumpets过去分词:trumpeted复数:trumpets现在进行时:trumpeting过去式:trumpeted[例句]Musicians sitting in front of the trombone or trumpet have suffered from these shock waves.那些坐在长号或者小号前的音乐家会遭受到这些冲击机。2.Just as I don't try to get my trumpet players to play too high too fast, you don'tneed to rush progress. 就乎族像我不会让小号演奏者把声调吹的太高,速度太快,你没必要将过程仓促化。 3.The team also constructed an object shaped like two trumpet bells stuck endto end-called a hyperbolic surface. 该小组还构建了键饥像两个端对端粘在一起的喇叭扩散形的管子,称为双曲表面。 4.It stirred them like the note of a trumpet; just as it had often stirred the manwho was coming home tonight in his boyhood. 汽笛声,像喇叭里吹出的音符,使他们激动;就像它使今晚回家的那个男人在童年时代常常激动地那样。5.It did, however, trumpet saving$ 1.8 million in pension and benefits costs lastyear. 确实是这样,去年还大力宣传节约养老金、福利成本为180万美元。


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