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Category 是什么意思?

2024-01-12 14:28:19 编辑:join 浏览量:529

Category  是什么意思?

category[5kAti^Eri]n.种类, 别, [逻]范畴categorycat.e.go.ryAHD:[k²t“¹-gôr”¶, -g½r”¶] D.J.[6k#ti7g%8ri8, -7gouri8]K.K.[6k#t!7g%ri, -7gori]n.(名词)【复数】 cat.e.go.riesA specifically defined division in a system of classification; a class.种类:在某一分类系统中特别定义的部分;类别A general class of ideas, terms, or things that mark divisions or coordinations within a conceptual scheme, especially:范畴:在一个拿友概念体系中标明区别或联系的观念、术语或事物的一般类别,尤指:Aristotle's modes of objective being, such as quality, quantity, or relation, that are inherent in everything.客观实物:亚里士多德观念上的客观实在,如质量、数量或联系,如敏纯它们为一切事物所固有Kant's modes of subjective understanding, such as singularity, universality, or particularity, that organize perceptions into knowledge.康德方式:康德的主观理解的方式,如个体性、普遍性或特殊性,它们将感觉组织为知识A basic logical type of philosophical conception in post-Kantian philosophy.后康德方式:后康德主义哲学中哲学概念的一种基本逻辑类型French catégorie 法语 catégorie from Old French 源自 古法语 from Late Latin cat¶a [class of predicables] 源自 后期拉丁语 cat¶a [可预测的种类] from Greek kat¶a [accusation, charge] 源自 希腊语 kat¶a [控告,渣咐指控] from kat¶n [to accuse, predicate] 源自 kat¶n [控告,预测] kata- [down, against] * see cata- kata- [向下,相反] *参见 cata-agoreuein ¶gor- [to speak in public] from agora [marketplace, assembly] * see ger- agoreuein ¶gor- [当众说话] 源自 agora [市场,集会] *参见 ger- category[5kAtI^ErI]n.-ries种类;类目;部属;类别There are different categories of books in a library.图书馆里有各种不同种类的书籍。category源自希腊语 kategoria


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