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She caused concern when she was forced to cancel an engagement due to illness last week, however, theQueenlooked in health on Tuesday.上周,女王因病被迫取消活动,这引起了人们的关注。然而周二,她看起来又恢复了健康。

After returning to work on Monday Her Majesty hosted a receptionfor 603 (City of Edinburgh) Squadron, Royal Auxiliary Air Force in the Scottish city this evening.女王陛下在周一恢复工作之后,于今晚在苏格兰主办了一场英国皇家空军预备队603(爱丁堡市)空军中队的招待会。

Clearly feeling herself again the monarch was all smiles as she honoured the squadron with the Freedom of The City of Edinburgh, at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.女王在荷里路德宫为空军中队颁发荣誉市民称号的时候,笑的很开心,并且看起来身体不错。

The Queen, Honorary Air Commodore, looked her elegant best in a mint green dress as she welcomed guests into the royal residence.作为荣誉空军准将的女王,身着一件薄荷绿的连衣裙,把她最优雅的一面淋漓尽致的展现出来,欢迎客人们来到王室住所。

The Freedom of the City of Edinburgh is bestowed upon those who are held in the highest esteem by the citizens. It is a tradition that dates back over 500 years to 1459.那些市民们最尊敬的人会被授予荣誉市民称号。而这一传统可以追溯到500多年前的1459年。

Earlier today an RAF squadron has staged a parade at the Palace of Holyroodhouse after being honoured with the Freedom of The City of Edinburgh.在获得荣誉市民称号之后,今天早些时候英国皇家空军中队在荷里路德宫举行了一场游行。

The march down the Royal Mile culminated with a military show on the forecourt on Tuesday.周二在皇家英里大道上的一场军事表演为这次游行画上完美句点。



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