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以 mother's day 为题写英语作文

2023-04-09 20:19:58 编辑:join 浏览量:641

以 mother's day 为题写英语作文

Mother’s DayMother’s Day is on the second Sunday in May.Today Mother’s Day is celebrated with gifts of special greeting cards, cakes, and flowers presented to one’s own mother.  母亲节在每年五月的第二个星期日。母亲节那天用特殊的贺卡和礼物、蛋糕和花束去祝福我毕明们的妈妈。Especially, children must do whatever they can to help their mother and make her happy on the Day.Taking mother out for lunch or dinner, or serving her breakfast in bed, has become a traditional treat on Mother’s Day.特别是,孩子们可以帮助妈妈做任何事,也可以让她在那天高兴。跟妈妈雹慧出去吃午餐或者晚餐,也可以把早餐端到她的床边。母亲节成为一个传统的对妈妈的款待。  Some mothers may receive costly gift, but flowers are the favourite.Their gifts are usually hand-made flowers or Mother’s Day cards.The sentimental words on the cards tell mothers why they are appreciated.  有些母亲可能会收到昂贵的礼物,但最喜欢的礼物是花朵。孩子们的礼物通常是手工做成的花和母亲节卡片。卡片上的富有感情的话,会告诉妈妈为手肆告什么感激她们。  Don’t forget Mother’s Day.Make your mom breakfast in bed, buy her a bunch of flowers and some chocolates and, most importantly, tell her how much you love and respect her.  不要忘了母亲节哦!把妈妈的早餐端到床边,给她买一


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