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求初音Rolling girl英文版歌词以及中文翻译

2023-05-03 22:10:26 编辑:join 浏览量:634

求初音Rolling girl英文版歌词以及中文翻译

a Lonely girl is always in a dream 一个孤单的女孩总是在那个梦里that never will be coming true 永远不会成真There's so much noise inside her littele head 她小小的脑海里充满了太多的噪音she scratches it all around ,she scratches it all around 她不停地抓挠,不停地抓挠"No problems"the word comes out so light “没有问题的” 这句话说出来的时候是那么轻But in return it's gone to the air 但是马上就消散在空气里it's a mistake it what a mistake 这是个错误 这是怎样的一个错误it' a matter of finding the add one out in the end 在最后找到了另外一个添加it rolls again ! 它又再次翻滚!one more time, one more time 再一次,再一次each day I will be rolling one more time 每天我都在又一次地翻滚so she says, so she says 所以她说,所以她说as she plays the meanings of it to her spoken words 她说出来的话所代表的意思are you ready yet? Not so ready yet 你准备好了吗?没有准备好吗?The future is still so far away to me 未来依旧离我很远so I'm holding my breath, 所以我屏住呼吸just now 就在刚才a Rolling girl is faraway in Wasteland. 一个翻滚的女孩在遥远的废弃的世界里Beyond the colours you can't reach 超越了色彩 你无法企及Those overlapping voices in the air 那些声音在空气中重叠she mixes them all all around, she mixes them all around 她将它们全部混合,她将它们全部混合"No problems"the word came out so light “没问题的” 这句话说出来是那么轻But now it vanished without a trece 但现在它消失得毫无痕迹She said thet "I don't give a damn她说“我没有任何怨言So let's cause some mistake with me." 所以歼大让我们和我一起犯错”she tempts me on this hill road. 她在这山路上怂恿着我one more time, one more time 再一次,再一次"I beg you to roll me one more time" “我乞羡罩求你再一次翻滚我”so she says, so she says 所以她说,所以她说as she lays the meanings of it to unspoken words 她没有说出来的话里的意思are you ready yet? Just one moment 你准备好了吗?就一下下Its nearly should be hear to show me something 我几乎听不到它想要昭示给我的东西so I'm holding my breath, just now 所以我屏住我的呼吸one more time, one more time 又一次,又一次each day I will be rolling one more time 每天我都在又一次地翻滚so she says, so she says 所以她说,所以她说as she plays the sound of laughter to her sporken words 她把自己的笑声带进她说兄改闹出的话里are you ready yet? I'm ready now 你准备好了吗?我准备好了You must be so sick and tired of this 你一定对此感到疲惫和恶心so I stop my breathing, 所以我停止了我的呼吸just now就在刚才


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