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六年级英语上册期中试拦返卷3得分 同学们,期中考试又到了,答题时可要认真仔细呀!书写整洁可以得2分呢!听力宏伍部分 30’一、 听录音,辨认单词、数字或短语,将蔽衡或序号填在题前的括号里。6’( ) 1. A. should B. would C. shouldn’t( ) 2. A. away B. way C. always( ) 3. A. quiet B. quick C. quickly( ) 4. A. twelfth B. twentieth C. twelve( ) 5. A. in December B. in November C. in September( ) 6. A. 10月31日 B. 2月13日 C. 10月13日二、 根据录音内容,判断下列句子的意思是否正确,正(T)误(F)。6’( ) 1. Look at the sign. It means we shouldn’t litter.( ) 2. I’d like to buy some balloons..( ) 3. Jim is in Class 1 and Ben is in Class 2.( ) 4. The guitar was near the desk just now.( ) 5. My birthday is on the 16th of October.( ) 6. The camera is in Su Yang’s bag.三、 听问句,选出正确的答句。6’( ) 1. A. It means “Be quiet.” B: It is a sign.( ) 2. A. It’s the 20th of August. B. It’s Friday.( ) 3. A. How do you do? B. I do my homework.( ) 4..A. I like a yo-yo. B. I’d like a yo-yo. ( ) 5. A. They are in the red box. B.Yes, they’re in the red box.( ) 6. A. It’s on the 10th of September. B. It’s on the 9th of October.四、 听录音,判断下列图片是否正确。6’1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.五、 听录音,将下列对话或短文补充完整。6’Now I a lot about signs in the park. They different things. We shouldn’t on the grass. We should be quiet near the bird’s . The sign on the in the park means “Danger”. We must stay away from it.六年级英语一、语音:挑出划线字母读音不同的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内:( )2.excuse plus student use( )3.think thirteen their thank ( ) 1. A. guess B. seven C. get D. very( ) 2. A. cat B. apple C. fan D. face( ) 3. A. left B. hen C. eleven D. ten ( ) 5. A.east B. please C. three D. sheep( )4. A. great B bread C. ready D. head( )5. A. dear B. bear C. here D. nearby一 语音Ⅰ.Same or different.划线部分读音相近的填S,不同填D。( )1.ground turn ( )2.good too( )3.clean leader ( )4.sign nice( )5.park card ( )6.make have( )7.candy stamp ( )8.meat bread( )9.volleyball key ( )10.play paperⅡ.Find the different word in pronunciation.找出划线部分读音不同的单词。( )1.A.ask B. basket C. table D. grass( )2.A.name B. grade C. that D. late( )3.A.like B. kite C. my D. city( )4.A.second B. mess C. cinema D. February( )5.A.season B. beach C. read D. great( )6.A.month B. sixth C. with D. birthday( )7.A.he B. egg C. dress D. bed( )8.A.duck B. much C. music D. lunch( )9.A.go B. hot C. not D. coffee( )10.A.room B. school C. look D. goose( )11.A.flower B. how C. brown D. yellow( )12.A.house B. young C. out D. ground( )13.A.any B. animal C. many D. friend( )14.A.water B .want C. what D. watch( )15.A.walked B. jumped C. kicked D. wanted( )16.A.rain B. train C. said D. paint( )17.A.forty B. worker C. born D. horse( )18.A.today B. play C. stay D. Sunday( )19.A.goat B. old C. don’t D. hot( )20.A.try B. my C. why D. happy一. 用所给词的适当形式填空:1. They are talking about -----(they) stamps.2. LiPing ---- (not do) her homework yesterday. She_______(watch).3. Helen can _______(milk) cows.4. Mike ----- (go) to school early every day.5. Let’s go ----- (camp).6. Look,they-----(water) flowers now.7. We played a lot of ------ (game).8. He shows ----- (we) his stamps.9. I want ----- (play ) football.10. Helen ----- (meet) Nancy in the park this morning.11. The glasses ----- (not be) in the red box now.12. They ----- (be) in the box ,but they aren’t there now.13. Li Lei sits behind ----- (we).14. Where ----- (be) your glasses? They ----- (be) here just now.15. I’d like ---- (buy) some books.二、用所给词的适当形式填空:1 I’d like _____ (buy) some books.2 There are not _____ (some) apples in the table.3 Do you have _____ (some) questions.4 Listen ,she _____ (sing) in the classroom.5 There _______ (not be ) any milk in the glass.6 Let's go _______ (skate) .7 Nancy is a student. _____ (she) sister is a doctor .8 Look at the pictures ,______ (them) are beautiful.9 Don't ______ (walk) on the grass.10 You must _____ (stay) away from it.11 The man wants to take some _____ (photo).12 _____ (not) open the door,plese.13 Would you like _____ (some) bread?14 My birthday is on the _____ (three) of May.15 The boys are _____ (excite) at the football _____ (excite)match.16 Liping stands behind _____ (we).17 They ____ (be) here a moment ago.18 It's _____ (sport) Day.五、根据中文意思完成句子。(23分)1.今天是几月几日?6月6日。今天星期几?星期三。_____ _____ is it today?______ ______sixth_____ ______. _____ _____ is it today? It’s ________.2.你的生日是什么时候?是4月21日。______ your birthday? It’s______ the 21st of______.3.我的手机刚才还在照相机旁,可现在不在了。My near the camera .But it there .4. 这个标志是什么意思?它的意思是你不可以在这里停放自行车。_____ does_____ sign _____ ? It _____ you shouldn’t _____ your bikes here.九、书面表达,在对话下面的横线上填入对话中所缺单词。(5分) BirthdayA: 你的生日要到了吧? Your birthday ?B: 是的。在八月九号。 Yes. It’s on the of August.A: 你想要什么礼物? What would you like as a birthday ?B: 去年我没有随身听,我想要一个。I have a year. I’d like .A: 你还想要什么? What do you want?B: 两本日记本 Two .A: 哦,我知道了。生日快乐。 Oh, I see. Happy birthday!B: 谢谢! Thank you!十. 翻译(10%)1. 看鸟笼上的那个标志,上面写着:你不应该在这儿吃喝。Look at the sign on the bird’s cage. It , you eat and drink here.2. --你想要什么作为生日礼物?--我想要一个溜溜球。--What you like your birthday present ?-- like a yo-yo.3.--你母亲的生日是什么时候? --是六月十二日。-- your mother’s birthday?--It’s on of June.4. --你的手机在哪里?--在电脑旁边。-- your mobile phone?--It’s the computer.-)Once a Chinese student went to England. His f____ name is Sun. Endland is a country with bad w_____. It is often cloudy or rainy.So the people don't get m______ sunshine. When the Chinese student got to London, a policemen went to see his passport.He was h_____ when he saw "Sun" in the passport. He t_____ it was just the Endlish word "Sun", so he said to the student" You are w____. You have brought yout sunshine to Endlish 1、l am a w( ).I h( ) four letters. My f( )letter is in ‘mop’ not i( ) ‘top’。My s( ) letter is in‘plane' and also in‘some’.My t( )letter is in ‘March’and A( ) in ‘happy’.My f( ) letter is not in‘head’ b( ) in‘hand’.What am I?You are‘( )’.2、My son gave a party one Saturday night.I was hesitant[犹豫] a ( )having a group of teenagers in our home, but to my s ( ),they were all charming .The kids complimented me on my energy,and how y ( )I looked[I was 34].When the party was o ( ),I told my son how m( )I enjoyed his friends and their comments .He smiled and asked if I felt like a t( )again. "Yes,"I responded ,"and I felt wonderful." "I'm glad,"he said."By the way ,I told everyone that you w( )54."3、Today is Sundauy.Tom hasn`t got a( )homework.Tom goes shoing with his mother.In the shop,they get some b( )of orange juice,then they go t( )the fruit shop.They can see m ( )fruits in it.Tom and his mother get some aples and bananas t( ).Tom helps his mother carry the fruit.4、Look at our s( ).There are two buildings in it.One is new,the other is old.The new building is our library.It is very b( ).There are m( )books in it.We o( )borrow books from the library and sometimes we r( )there.The old building is the teacher building.There are forty rooms in it.Most of them are classroom.There i( )a computer room,a music room,and art room,a s( )lab and a language lab,too.We learn to use computers in the computer room.We s( )and d( )in the music room.We p( )in the art room.We sometimes have science classes and d( )experiment in the science lab. We are very h( )in the school.We e( )our school life.


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