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justin bieber (that should be me)是写给谁的?

2023-05-21 15:08:01 编辑:join 浏览量:635

justin bieber (that should be me)是写给谁的?

《That Should Be Me》是写给Justin Bieber前女友Caitlin Beadles的,关于失肆岁恋的一首歌。歌名:That Should Be Me歌手:Justin Bieber词曲:Justin Bieber, Nasri Atweh, Adam Messinger, Luke Boyd制作:The Messengers所属专辑:My World 2.0发行时间:2010-03-23发行公司:Island Records中英歌词:Everybody's laughing in my mind每个人的嘲笑声都在我的脑海里徘徊Rumors spreading 'bout this other guy流言传到了其他人那里Do you do what you did when you你是否做了那些事did with me那些和我在一起做的事Does he love you the way I can他会像我爱你一样爱你吗Did you forget all the plans你忘了那些计划了吗that you made with me那些你和我一起制定的计划'cause baby I didn't宝贝我没有忘记啊That should be me那个人应该是我啊Holdin' your hand握住你的手不松开That should be me那个人应该是我啊Makin' you laugh让你欢笑无忧That should be me那个人应该是我啊This is so sad但这多么难过That should be me那个人应该是我啊That should be me那个人应该是我啊That should be me那个人应该裂凳睁是我啊Feelin' your kiss清尝你的吻That should be me那个人应该是我啊Buyin' you gifts给你精心准备礼物This is so wrong是哪里出了差错I can't go on让我无力继续till you believe that除非你相信我That should be me那个人应该是我啊That should be me那个人应该是我啊You said you needed a little time你说我需要一点时间for my mistakes来好好想想我的错误It's funny how you use that time太可笑了,你用粗哗那些时间to have me replaced让别人替代了我But did you think但是你是不是觉得that I wouldn't see you out at the movies我不会在电影院门口看到你们?Whatcha doin' to me你都对我做了些什么?you're taken' him where we used to go你带他去了那些我们去过的地方Now if you're tryin' to break my heart现在你又想伤透我的心it's working 'cause you know that你赢了,因为你知道的That should be me那个人应该是我啊Holdin' your hand握住你的手不松开That should be me那个人应该是我啊Makin' you laugh让你欢笑无忧That should be me那个人应该是我啊This is so sad但这多么难过That should be me那个人应该是我啊That should be me那个人应该是我啊That should be me那个人应该是我啊Feelin' your kiss清尝你的吻That should be me那个人应该是我啊buyin' you gifts给你精心准备礼物This is so wrong是哪里出了差错I can't go on让我无力继续till you believe that除非你相信我That should be me那个人应该是我啊I need to know should I fight我像知道我是不是还该坚持for our love for this long还是放弃这么长时间的爱It's getting harder to shield坚持变得越来越难this pain in my heart心里的伤痛无法言表That should be me那个人应该是我啊Holdin' your hand握住你的手不松开That should be me那个人应该是我啊Makin' you laugh让你欢笑无忧That should be me那个人应该是我啊This is so sad但这多么难过That should be me那个人应该是我啊That should be me那个人应该是我啊That should be me那个人应该是我啊Feelin' your kiss清尝你的吻That should be me那个人应该是我啊Buyin' you gifts给你精心准备礼物This is so wrong是哪里出了差错I can't go on让我无力继续Till you believe that除非你相信我That should be me那个人应该是我啊Holdin' your hand握住你的手不松开That should be me那个人应该是我啊Makin' you laugh oh baby oh让你欢笑无忧啊宝贝That should be me那个人应该是我啊That should be me那个人应该是我啊Giving you fowler送给你花That should be me那个人应该是我啊Talking bout our讨论我们俩的事情That should be me那个人应该是我啊That should be me那个人应该是我啊That should be me那个人应该是我啊Never should let you go我永远不会让你离开我的I never should let you go我永远不会让你离开我的That should be me那个人应该是我啊,宝贝


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