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where is my mind 是什么意思?

2023-05-31 21:31:20 编辑:join 浏览量:594

where is my mind 是什么意思?

where is my mind网络搏击锋谈俱乐部我的愿望在哪?1Where were we? My mind is a blank.讲到哪儿?我脑中一片空白。 2Because i never have been landscape where it is full of fresh colour? No, maybe in my mind there is no mood to see those fresh colour, that's the right answer for the reason, i think.都不是,也许是我的心中就没有这样的心则者情去看这些银盯碰新鲜的颜色,也是这是对于前面问题最好的答案。


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