sucralose 释义:三氯蔗糖 ; 蔗糖素 ; 氯蔗糖 ; 甜蜜素 ; 三氯半乳
Sucralose was purified by column chromatograph and determined by thin layer chromatograph.采用薄层色谱法定性,以柱色谱法高判饥分离提纯三氯蔗糖.
On the other hand, sucralose, known as Splenda, is made from sucrose, or table sugar .另一方面,被称为斯普兰达的蔗糖素是从蔗糖或食用糖中提炼出来的。
The sweet taste is provided by using a sweetening effective amount of sucralose in the composition.甜味是在组合物中添加有效量的三氯半乳蔗糖获得的。
Make sure the products you buy do not contain aspartame, sucralose, saccharine, cyclamate, acesulfame-k and other sweeteners.请确保您购买的产品戚返不包含阿斯巴甜,三氯蔗糖,冲历糖精,甜蜜素,安赛蜜-K和其他甜味剂。
Previous studies have determined that between 60 and 95 percent of the sucralose-based artificial sweetener stay unabsorbed in the gut.以前的研究已经确定, 60%~95%的三氯蔗糖为基础的人工甜味剂会残留在肠道。