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http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/oNdVvTZHXi4http://fc.5sing.com/2751578.html希望是你要找的!歌词:Lift thine eyes 睁开你的眼睛 to see thy God 去朝仰你的神灵 Beholden heart 高举虔诚感激的心灵 in thou hands 于你的手棚塌心链晌圆 Let thy faith 紧随你的信仰 guide the way 引领 do not fear 不要畏惧 fear the darkened path 畏惧那渐暗的前路 when you walk alone 当你孤身前行 remember 记住 burden not your own 重担非你独承 seek the shelter 寻找掩护 on the darkest rim 在那最黑暗的边缘 you will see 你会看见 see him 看见他 beckon you in 像你创开双手And if fate should 如果命运定要 hold you in her snare 把你囚于她的牢笼 and you fall and stumble 让你蹒跚倒下 steady thy mind 清除谨芹杂念 lift thine eyes 睁开你的眼睛 and thou step 你的步伐 and thou step shall follow 你的步伐就会继续追随


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