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vale of tears的歌词中文翻译

2023-06-06 05:49:06 编辑:join 浏览量:546

Vale of tears/泪之谷

演唱:Jay Clifford

Starry eyes/满眼繁星

Willow trees, streetlights and butterflies/柳树林里 路灯与蝴蝶

In the childhood years/伴随在童年时光中

Open fields, bumble bees and dandelions/宽阔的田野 黄蜂与蒲公英


June bugs and bottles glow emerald/金龟子和瓶子闪着翠绿色的光芒

In the childhood years/童年时光里

Spiderwebs, thunderclouds and animals/透过蛛网 远方的雷云和惊慌奔跑的动物

We'll teach you how to close your eyes/我们将教你如何闭上你的眼睛

We'll teach you how to close your eyes/我们将教你如何闭上你的眼睛

We'll teach you how to close your eyes/我们塌则将教团贺棚你如何闭上你的眼睛

Don't worry love/请不要担心,亲爱的

It's just a vale of tears/这一切只是尘世的映像

Neither found or lost/无所谓寻找与失去

Neither frail or numb to the cost/无所谓脆弱与麻木偿付的代价

Neither ill or well/无所谓疾病与健康

An empty shell/这一切都仅仅是个空壳

Waiting 'til the end is near/静心等待直到结局降临

Through a vale of tears/平静地走过这尘世

Starry eyes/满眼繁星

Flashlights and shadows so wonderful/手电筒投射的影子如此美妙

Don't you agree?/难道你不这么认为么?

In the childhood years/在童年时光里

Fireworks and sunlight so beautiful/烟花与阳光如此耀眼

How can this be?/难以置信的吧?

We'll teach you how to run and hide/我们将教会你如何奔跑与躲藏

We'll teach you how to run and hide/我们将教会你如何奔跑与躲藏

We'll teach you how to run and hide/我们将教会你如何奔跑与躲藏

Don't worry love/请不要担心,亲爱的

It's just a vale of tears/一切只是尘世的映像

Neither found or lost/无所谓寻找与失去

Neither frail or numb to the cost/无所谓脆弱与麻木偿付的代价

Neither ill or well/无所谓好与坏

An empty shell/都仅仅是个空壳

Waiting 'til the end is near/静心等待直到结局降临

Through a vale of tears/通过这平静的尘世

We'll teach you how to close youe eyes/我们将教你如何闭上你的眼睛

We'll teach you how to close youe eyes/我们将教你如何闭上你的眼睛

We'll teach you how to close youe eyes/我们将教你如何闭上你的眼睛

Don't worry love/请不要担心,亲爱的

It's just a vale of tears/一切只是尘世的映像

Neither found or lost/无所谓发现还是失去

Neither frail or numb to the cost/无所谓脆弱还是麻木需要去偿还

Neither ill or well/无所谓疾病或者健康

An empty shell/都仅仅是个空壳

Waiting 'til the end is near/静心等待直到结局降临

Neither high or low/无所谓巅峰与低谷拍竖

Neither false or true when you know/无所谓谬误抑或真理即便你突然醒悟

Neither ill or well/无所谓是非

An empty shell/都仅仅是个空壳

Waiting 'til the end is near/静心等待直到结局降临

Through a vale of tears/平静地走过烦恼的现世

Through a vale of tears/穿过泪之谷


vale of tears的歌词中文翻译

《vale of tears》是歌手Jay Clifford的歌,歌曲出自专辑《Silver Tomb For The Kingfisher》,Jay Clifford是一位来自美国北卡罗来纳州温斯顿-塞勒姆的民谣男歌手。



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