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What's your favourite food?

2023-07-11 08:23:00 编辑:join 浏览量:559

What's  your favourite food?

以下随便选一个:凉 菜 appetizers 老坛子泡菜 house special pickled vegetable w/chicken feet 四川泡菜 special pickle 凉拌三丝 sweet and sour shredded 3 kind vegetable 姜汁菠菜 spinach in ginger sauce 麻辣素兔丁 spicy peanut and diced smoked dry tofu 凉拌论兔丁 green broad bean in house special sauce 红油耳片 sliced pork ear in sichuan red oil 凉拌野菜 wild vegetable 川北凉粉 sliced sichuan rice jello 夫妻肺片 couple beef 椒麻腰片 sliced kidney in pepper sauce 香握含醋蛰头 jelly fish with chinese vinegar 麻辣兔丁 diced rabbit in sichuan red oil 口水鸡 sliced chicken in sichuan red oil 口水腰片 sliced kidney in sichuan red oil 麻辣牛肉干 spicy sichuan beef jerky 蒜泥白肉 sliced pork w/garlic soy vinaigrette 汤 羹 soup 翡翠玛瑙汤猛返 cucumber and thousand year egg soup 汤羹酸菜肉丝汤 shred pork pickle vegetable soup 翡翠白玉汤 spinach tofu soup 口袋豆腐汤 house special tofu soup 冬瓜连锅汤 winter melon and sliced pork soup 什锦汤 mixed soup 西湖牛肉羹 west lake style beef soup 酸菜蹄筋汤 spicy sour pork tendon soup 清炖牛肉汤 beef in broth 番茄紫菜鱼片汤 tomato fish fillet soup 萝卜丝鱼片汤 shred radish fish soup 酸菜鱼片汤 fish fillet with pickled vegetable soup 酸菜鱼羊枝皮饥汤 pickled vegetable w/fish fillet and lamb 云吞汤 wonton soup 酸辣汤 spicy and sour soup 海 鲜, 鱼 类 seafood,fish 宫暴虾 kung pao prawns 核桃虾 walnut prawns 鸳鸯虾 shrimp double style 蔬菜虾 vegetable w/prawns 鱼香鲜贝 scallops w/spicy garlic sauce 清炒鲜贝 sauteed scallops 宫爆鲜贝 kung pao scallops 巴蜀香辣蟹 sichuan spicy dungeness crab 姜葱肉蟹 dungeness crab w/ginger and green onion 重庆辣子鱼 chong qing spicy fish fillet 巴山豆瓣全鱼 braised whole fish w/sichuan chili-minced pork 巴山干烧鱼 house special whole fish w/minced pork 脆皮全鱼 crispy fish with brown sauce 水煮鱼片 boiled fish fillet in a fiery sauce 番茄溜鱼片 fish fillet w/tomato sauce 糟溜鱼片 fish fillet in wine sauce 红烧鱼片 braised sole fish fillet in brown sauce 豆瓣鱼片 fish fillet w/chili sauce 糖醋鱼片 sweet and sour fish fillet 凉粉鱼 fish with spicy sichuan rice jello 干煸鳝鱼 dry-fried yellow eel 大蒜烧鳝鱼 braised yellow eel w/spicy capsicum 水煮鳝段 boiled yellow eel in a fiery sauce 香辣田鸡 frog w/roasted chili 水煮田鸡 boiled frog in a fiery sauce 泡椒田鸡 frog w/sichuan picked chili 鸡 鸭 类 poultry 姜汁热窝鸡 chicken breast w/ginger sauce 鱼香鸡片 chicken breast w/fish fragrant sauce 水煮鸡片 boiled chicken breast slices in a fiery sauce 宫爆鸡丁 kung pao diced chicken 重庆辣子鸡 chongqing deep fried chicken w/roasted chili 辣子鸡丁 diced chicken w/chili sauce 腰果鸡丁 sauteed chicken w/cashew nuts 芽菜碎米鸡 chopped chicken breast w/preserved vegetable 仔僵爆鸭丝 shredded smoked duck w/ginger and red bell pepper 牛 羊 类 beef lamb 小笼蒸牛肉 steamed spicy beef 水煮牛肉 boiled beef slices in a fiery sauce 芹黄牛肉丝 shredded beef w/ chinese celery 干煸牛肉丝 dry- fried beef slivers 青椒牛肉丝 shredded beef w/ green bell pepper 蒙古牛肉 mongolian beef 芥蓝牛肉 beef w/ broccoli 葱爆牛肉 sliced lamb w/ green onion 孜然羊肉 cumin lamb 水煮羊肉 boiled lamb slices in a fiery sauce 猪 肉 类 pork 宫爆肉丁 kung pao diced pork 纷蒸排骨 si chuan steamed powdery pork rib 金牌蒜香骨 garlic roasted pork rib 水煮肉片 boiled pork slices in a fiery sauce 锅巴肉片 sizzling rice w/ tender pork 木耳肉片 wood ear w/ sliced pork 莲藕肉片 sliced lotus root and sliced port 凤尾腰花 pork kidney w/ lettuce leaves 家乡回锅肉 twice-cooked bacon 脆皮回锅肉 twice-cooked bacon w/ crispy bread 芽菜扣肉 steamed pork w/ sichuan preserved vegetables 芹菜香干肉丝 shredded pork w/ celery,diced smoked tofu 韭菜香干肉丝 shredded pork w/ green leek,smoked tofu 京酱肉丝 shredded pork w/ shredded green onion 鱼香肉丝 fish fragrant shredded pork 青椒肉丝 shredded pork w/ green bell pepper 蚂蚁上树 cellophane noodles w/ minced pork 生爆盐煎肉 stir fried fresh bacon w/ spicy capsicum 桂花蹄筋 pork tendon w/ chicken egg 家常蹄筋 home style pork tendon 红烧猪蹄筋 braised pork tendon w/ brown sauce 蔬 菜 豆 腐 类 vegetable bean curd 陈麻婆豆腐 ma po tofu 鲜虾豆腐 shrimp tofu 四川豆腐脑 sichuan tofu jelly 家常豆腐 family style deep fried tofu 水煮豆腐 soft tofu in a fiery sauce 酱烧豆腐 tofu in brown sauce 醋溜银针丝 shredded potato w/ white vinegar 火爆珍珠 sweet com w/ red green bell pepper 香菇烧白菜 napa cabbage w/ mushroom 醋溜莲白 sweet sour cabbage 鱼香茄饼 fish fragrant eggplant cake 鱼香茄子 fish fragrant eggplant c 干煸茄子 dry fried eggplant 番茄烩丝瓜 fresh tomato w/ vegetable sponge 干煸四季豆 dry fried string beans 清炒时菜 sauteed seasonal vegetable 开洋冬瓜 dry shrimp w/ winter melon 开洋丝瓜 dry shrimp w/ vegetable sponge 开洋白菜 dry shrimp w/ napa cabbage 葱油嫩蚕豆 green broad bean w/ garlic sauce 臊子豇豆 chopped picked long bean w/ minced pork 面, 饭 chow main, noodles, fried rice 掸掸面 house special dan- dan noodle 川味牛腩面 sichuan style beef stew w/ fresh noodle 清炖牛腩面 beef stew broth w/ noodle 红烧排骨面 pork rib w/ noodle 四川凉面 sichuan cold noodle 膳鱼面 yellow eel w/ noodle 四川杂酱面 noodle in sichuan brown sauce w/ minced pork 牛肉炒饭/面 beef fried rice/ noodle 虾炒饭/面 shrimp fired rice/ noodle 蔬菜炒饭/面 vegetable fried rice/ noodle 鸡肉炒饭/面 chicken fried rice/ noodle 四川炒饭/面 house special mixed fried rice/ noodle 海鲜炒饭/面 seafood fried rice/ noodle 锺水饺(红油/清汤) zhong’s dumpling(red oil/ broth) 巴山肉包 sichuan pork bun 龙抄手(红油/清汤) long’s wonton (red oil sauce/ broth) 海味煨面 seafood noodle 酸辣牛肉粉 spicy and yam noodle w/ beef 酸辣肥肠粉 spicy and yam noodle w/ pork tripe 酸辣鱼片粉 spicy and yam noodle w/ fish fillet 家乡薄饼(甜/咸) home style cake (sweet of salty ) 甜 点 dessert 凉米糕 wine rice cake w/soy bean powder and brown sugar 红薯饼 yam cake 金银馒头 steamed bun fried bun 八宝黑米粥 eight treasure pomidge 成都赖汤圆 sesame sauce in rice ball 蛋烘糕 house special pancake


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