奥林匹克会歌:是指国际奥委会正式采用的奥林匹克运动会会歌。希腊著名作曲家S·萨马拉于1896年作曲。原曲是献给第一届奥运会的赞歌,后由希腊新雅典派诗人K·帕拉马斯配词。1958年国际奥委会在东京举行第55届全会,正式决定将这一赞歌作为奥林匹克会歌。它主要在每届奥运会开幕式上升奥运会会旗时使用。这是一首属于四分之三节拍的圣歌,是人们首次听到的国际奥林匹克圣歌,也是体育音乐(和诗歌)在现代历史上的开端。作曲家斯皮罗斯·萨马拉斯25岁时便因他在弗洛拉·麦拉利斯城米兰镇的3场歌剧演出而闻名欧洲,他的演出被认为可以与沃里斯玛的著名音乐家里昆卡瓦拉、马斯卡尼、布西尼指挥的管弦乐队媲美。在开幕式上,所有的陆军和海军交响乐团以及来自雅典及其周边地区的音乐爱好者,还有一些合唱团都集中了。由于音乐效果令人震惊,使得从国王到平民百姓都在某种程度上受到了感染,要求重新演奏,节目于是再次演奏。《奥林匹克圣歌》在斯皮罗斯·萨马拉斯的指挥下由9个合唱团和250人演出,他也给国际奥委会官员留下宏氏了深刻的印象。国际奥委会在1958年于东京举行的第55次全会上最后确定还是用《奥林匹克圣歌》这首歌为《奥运会会歌》。其乐谱存放于国际奥委会总部。从蔽蠢散此以后,在每届奥运会的开、闭幕式上都能听到这首悠扬的古希腊管弦乐曲。奥林匹克会歌歌词原文为拉丁文,亦曾被翻译成法文、英文、中文,其主要的含义是从奥林匹克活动中去追求人生的真、善、美。这首歌歌词内容是这样的:古代不朽之神,美丽、伟大而正直的圣洁之父。祈求降临尘世以彰显自己,让受人瞩目的英雄在这档陪大地苍穹之中,作为你荣耀的见证。 请照亮跑步、角力与投掷项目, 这些全力以赴的崇高竞赛。 把用橄榄枝编成的花冠颁赠给优胜者, 塑造出钢铁般的躯干。 溪谷、山岳、海洋与你相映生辉, 犹如以色彩斑斓的岩石建成的神殿。 这巨大的神殿, 世界各地的人们都来膜拜, 啊!永远不朽的古代之神。 Oh yeah, oh In these moments, moments of our lives All the world is ours And this world is so right You and I sharing this time together, oh Sharing the same dream As time goes by, we will find These are the special times Times we'll remember These are the precious times The tender times, we'll hold in our hearts forever These are the sweetest times These times together And through it all one thing will always be true The special times are the times I share with you Mmm, oh yeah With each moment, moment passing by We'll make memories that will last our whole lives As you and I travel through time together, oh yeah Living this sweet dream And every day we can say These are the special times Times we'll remember These are the precious times The tender times, we'll hold in our hearts forever These are the sweetest times These times together And through it all one thing will always be true The special times are the times I share with you These tender moments When heaven is so close These are the moments that I know These are the special times Times we'll remember These are the precious times, the tender times We'll hold in our hearts forever These are the sweetest times These times together And through it all one thing will always be true Oh yeah, yeah The special times are the times I share The special times are the times we share The special times are the times I share with you Ooh yeah (These are the special times) Yeah, yeah (Special times) Yeah, ooh (These are the special times) Oh, oh (These are the special times)