

2023-08-05 15:37:26 编辑:join 浏览量:631


np = no problem; ty or thx = thank you; idk = i don't know; afk = away from keyboard; brb = be right back; omg = oh my god; u = you; r = are; 2 = to/too; 4 = for; b = be; b4 = before; n = and; n2 = into; k = okay; y = why; asl = age, sex (gender), location; ez = easy; bz = busy; c = see; o = oh; ttyl = talk to you later; 99 = night night; sum1 = someone; ne1 = anyone; neways = anyways; lol = laugh out loud; rofl = rolling on the floor laughing; lmao = laughing my ass off; b/c or cuz = because; w/ = with; dun = don'卜轿誉型段t, <帆世 3 = love/heart why don't you teach us the chinese ones? i don't know too many, just 881, 886, and 55 (sad).


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