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goose的读音是:英[ɡu?s]。goose的读音是:英[ɡu?s]。goose名词复数:geese;过去式:goosed;过去分词:goosed;现在分词:goosing;第三人称单数:gooses。goose【近义词】twat 傻瓜。一、详尽释义点此查看goose的详细内容n.(名词)鹅肉鹅傻瓜,笨蛋,呆头鹅雌鹅,母鹅长柄熨斗开玩笑的一戳试图将某事插入某人肛门突锋悔姿然按下汽车加速器的举动"鹅"(美国制造的机载反潜导弹)v.(动词)触摸某人的臀部;拧或掐屁股激励忽然加满油催促,推动,促进突然加大油门,轰油门,用劲按银绝汽车加速器嘘骂开玩笑地突然戳…背后将某物,比如手指,插入某人的肛门使发动机旋转完结;毁灭;希望破灭二、词典解释1.鹅Agoose is a large bird that has a long neck and webbed feet. Geese are often farmed for their meat.2.鹅肉Goose is the meat from a goose that has been cooked.e.g. ...roastgoose.烤鹅3. see also: wild goose chase4.阻挠;破坏…的计划If youcook someone'sgoose, you prevent their plans from succeeding.e.g. He said that what they were up to would cook Krasky'sgoose.他说他们暗中进行的阴谋可能会使克拉斯基的计划流产。5.杀鸡取卵;自绝财源If someonekills the goose that lays the golden egg, they harm or destroy the person or thing that gives them their money, power, or advantage.e.g. Unregulated tourism can kill thegoose that laid their golden egg.旅游业的无序发展无异于杀鸡取卵。6.适于此者适于彼;应该一视同仁If you saywhat's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, you mean what is acceptable for one person in a particular situation should be acceptable for another person in a similar situation.三、网络解释1. 雌鹅:gander 雄鹅 |goose 雌鹅 | gosling 幼鹅2. 鹅;突然开大的油门:goose neck 鹅颈管 |goose 鹅;突然开大的油门 |gooseneck ventilator 鹅颈通风筒四、例句The goose hissed at me angrily.那鹅愤怒地向我发出嘶嘶声。There is some goose left in the bowl.碗里还剩有点鹅肉。They often have goose at Christmastime.他们在圣诞节时常常吃鹅肉。This goose is much larger than the duck.这只母鹅比那只鸭子大多了。You silly goose!你这笨蛋!五、常见句型用作名词(n.)The goose is thought to be stupid animal.鹅被认为是愚笨的动物。The farmer kept many geese on his pond.这位农民在他的池塘里前燃养了许多鹅。She dislikes to eat goose.她讨厌吃鹅肉。He is such a goose.他是这样的一个笨人。六、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~get the goose遭到听众〔观众〕的嘘声make a goose of sb愚弄某人~+名词goose egg鹅蛋,零分介词+~a drove of goose一群鹅be sound on the goose持正统观点七、词语用法n.(名词)goose作“鹅”解时,是可数名词; 作“鹅肉”解时,是物质名词,是不可数名词。用于比喻时, goose可指人愚笨,呆头呆脑。goose可用于名词前作定语。goose的相关临近词GOP、goon、goosey、goosery、goosepen、goose up、goosefat、goosed up、goosefoot、Goosefish、goosewing、goose oil点此查看更多关于goose的详细信息


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