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show中古英语schewen<古英语sceawian瞧[FEJ]vt, vishowed, shown, showing 展示,出示; 给看He showed me his pictures. 他把他的图画给我看。He showed me his new radio. 他给我看他的新收音机。Can you show me any evidence for your statement?"对你的陈述,你能向我举出什么证据吗?"显现,表露;可见Anger showed in his face. 他脸上露出怒容。Her dress was toRn, but it didn't show. 她的衣服破了,可是不怎么显。 The children showed a little constraint in the presence of the new teacher.孩子们在新教师面前显得有点拘束。指示;显示The clock showed 20 past 2. 钟上显示的时间是两点二十分。 The boy is showing great promise as a football player.那个男孩显示出是个大有前途的足球运动员。Now it shows a famous baseball player eating a big bowl of WAKE--UPS.现在画面上显示的是一个著名的棒球运动员在吃大碗'WAKE-UPS(清醒)'麦片粥塌做。引路;引导;带领She showed me into the parlor. 她把我引进客厅。Can you show me the way to Gabriel's house? 你能告诉我去加布里埃尔家的路吗?Mr Wilson is leaving now. Will you show him to the door?威尔森先生要走了。请你送他到门口好吗?(常与to连用)说明;证明;表明His new book shows him to be a first-rate novelist. 他的新书证明他是一位第一流的小说家。(常与how to连仔衫森用)解释;示范 表演,演出;放映,上映(电影) 容易被看出;使明显;显眼A dark shirt will not show dirt. 黑衬衫不显脏。 证明自己是He showed himself a brave soldier. 他证明自己是一位勇敢的战士。施与,给与to show mercy to a prisoner 宽恕罪犯到场;出现;露面He's ashamed to show his face at the club. 他羞于在俱乐部露面。show one's face出席;露面;出现 shown展示,显念亩示a show of strength 展示力量外观,外表,表面with a show of reason 似乎有理 铺张;炫耀;虚饰 展览;展览物;展览会Many people went to see the flower show. 许多人去看了花展。 (剧院、夜总会、电台或电视里的)表演 The new play is on the show on alternate days.这出新戏每隔一天上演。In Hollywood many TV shows are made.好莱坞制作许多电视节目。组织;活动Who's running this show? 谁在主持这项业务?努力;尝试to put up a good show 精采的演出get this show on the road开始工作;着手进行 Good show!好极了!做得漂亮! steal the show抢镜头;出风头 show off炫耀,夸耀;卖弄 显示; 渲染(某物的优点) show up显眼;使显现 揭发;使暴露,拆穿show up a fraud 揭发一件欺诈行为 出席;出现;到场 使人感到羞辱show,displayshow的使用范围很广,是个非正式用语,它所表示的“展示”可以是有意的,也可以是无意的,甚至是由于疏忽而露出的。This last scene shows you what will happen at the end of the harvest.最后的这个场面向你表明,收获结束时所进行的活动。They also found something which the X-ray plates did not show.他们还发现了X线片子上没有显示的东西。He showed all his precious pictures to his friends.他把自己所有的珍贵图画都拿出来给朋友们看。He never shows what he thinks.他从不把自己的想法露出来。It was careless of me to show my interest at the time.我当时露出了感兴趣的样子,这我太粗心了。display 强调“摆出来给人家看,或者把要给人家看的东西精心陈列出来。以期收到好的展示效果。The peacock is displaying its fine tail feathers.这只孔雀在展示自己美丽的尾部羽毛。Children's clothes are displayed in the shop window.童装陈列在橱窗里。There was also a great deal of machinery on display.还展出了大批的机器。aim clarify demonstrate denote direct display exhibit explain guide illustrate indicate manifest point reveal disguise show[Fo;FEu ]显示(命令) To show the system status or function on a screen.在屏幕上显示系统状态和功能。 A console command showing the status of a system function.一种给出系统功能状态的控制台命令。show[FEu]vt.(showed; shown [FEun], [罕] showed)给...看; 展出; 显示; 出示; 陈列[口]展览; 放映; 演(出)(通过示范)教; 告诉; 指出, 说[证]明; 表现卖弄, 炫耀(off)带领, 指引给[施]与【律】陈述, 辩护show the pictures to all the students把这些照片给所有的学生们看show me great kindness对我表示厚谊show favour表示盛意show a movie上演一部电影show the workers how to do it告诉工人们怎样做这件事a suit that shows off her figure well能充分显示她美好身材的衣服mothers who like to show off their children喜欢宣扬儿女们长处的母亲们show him into the room把他领进房间show mercy to a prisoner宽恕罪犯A dark suit will not show the dirt.黑色服装不显脏。You must show your ticket at the barrier.你在关卡处必须出示许可证。showvi.显现, 显眼; 出来; 露面演(出); 展览[俗]赴约[美俚](赛马)跑第三(或第三以上)的名次show to advantage显得有利Anger showed in her face.她脸上露出怒容。He said he would be there, but he didn't show.他说他会来, 但是他没有来赴约。shown.显示; 展览会[物]; 表示演出; 节目; 景象, 壮观; (出)洋相(的人)炫耀; 铺张; 外观; 装扮痕迹; 象征[俚]机关, 团体; 剧团借口电影院[美俚](赛马)第三名[俚](表现、表白的)机会; 事情[件]【医】(临产时)破水; (月经开始时)现血【矿】初现浮散矿; (矿脉, 石油, 天然气的)迹象a flower show花展show window橱窗a traveling show巡回演出variety shows杂耍make a false show of strength虚张声势a house furnished for show, not comfort不为舒适, 只为虚饰而装璜的房子with a show of reason似乎有理地Have you seen any good shows lately?你最近看过什么好的表演(马戏、戏剧、电影、电视)吗?I wish she wouldn't talk and give the show away.我希望她不会多嘴而走漏消息。Who is running the show?谁在主持这件事?Give the man a fair show.给那人一个平等的机会。showbilln.海报; 广告showbread[`FEJbred]n.(犹太教的)供神面包showcardn.广告牌; 货样卡片showcase[5FEJkeIs]n.陈列箱[橱]; [美俚]接待室; (试片)影戏院showvt.使显出优点showdown[5FEJdaJn]n.[美]摊牌; [喻]最后的较量; 公布; 暴露; [美俚]危机showhousen.剧院; 花草陈列馆showhown.示范showjumpingn.骑马越障的技术表演showman[5FEJmEn]n.开展览会的人; (马戏团等的)老板[美]出风头的人物; 编剧家showmanship[5FEJmEnFIp]n.引起别人注意[兴趣]的技术[能力]show-me[`FEJmi:]adj.[俗]怀疑的, 不轻信的show-offn.夸耀; [美]自大的人, 爱吹牛的人showpiece[5FEJpi:s]n.展出的样品showplace[5FEJpleIs]n.供参观的场所; 展出地showroom[5FEJrJm]n.陈列室showup[`FEJQp]n.[口]暴露, 揭发shower[5FauE]n.出示者, 展出者; 指示者[器], 表演人all over the show[口]到处, 遍地all over the shop[口]到处, 遍地all over the place[口]到处, 遍地be the whole show[美]充当主要角色; 唱独脚戏; 包办代替be fond of show喜欢卖弄bench show[美]狗[猫]展览会boss the show操纵; 主持(演出)run the show操纵; 主持(演出)by a show of hands举手表决chat show(电视台)现场访问节目dumb show哑剧; 手势fashion show时装展览fashion parade时装展览floor show夜总会席地节目演出for a show为夸耀, 为给人家看get a fair show[美][澳]得到公平[合适]的机会give away the (whole) show露马脚, 泄露秘密give sb. a fair show给与表现机会, 公正地对待某人go to show说明, 证明good show[口]显著成绩have a show of有机会, 有可能have the show of有机会, 有可能stand a show of有机会, 有可能stand the show of有机会, 有可能have sth. to show for在...方面有可显示的成绩hush-hush show[讽, 口]极端秘密的事in dumb show打着手势in open show公然in show外表上, 有名无实地leg show大腿舞let the whole show down搞垮整个事情make a good show好看, 大出洋相make a show of sth.卖弄, 显示; 展览; 装样子make a show of oneself丢丑, 出洋相meat show[美俚]卖弄色相的脱衣舞on show被展出one-house show经费不足, 效率不高的小商店, 小企业picture show画展; 电影, 电影院put on a show假装, 装病put up a good show演出好[不好], 干得好[不好]put up a bad show演出好[不好], 干得好[不好]quiz show智力竞赛节目quiz program智力竞赛节目raree show西洋镜[景]; 街头演出road show巡回演出; (首轮影院的)新片放映run away with the show[美俚]取得特别突出的成就, 成为人们注意的中心run the show操纵; 主持(演出)side show穿插的小节目; 枝节问题, 次要事件stand no show of sth.没有机会, 没有任何计划stand no show to do sth.没有机会, 没有任何计划have no show of sth.没有机会, 没有任何计划have no show to do sth.没有机会, 没有任何计划steal the show抢镜头stop the show赢得热烈的掌声而使表演为之中断talent show业余能手演唱会talk show[美](电视、无线电)访问节目, 座谈节目whole show整个组织, 全部活动 唯一重要的人物, 显要人物, 注意中心Wild West show[美]牛仔戏show forth[古]公布于众, 发表, 宣布show in领进(客人等)show into领进(客人等)show itself呈现, 露出show off卖弄, 炫耀 陈列; 使显眼show of hands举手(表决)show of reason似乎有理show oneself出现, 露面show one's cards摊牌, 公开自己的计划; 吐露自己的真实打算show one's colours摊牌, 公开自己的计划; 吐露自己的真实打算show one's hand表明自己的计划或意图show one's heels一溜烟地逃走;[美]【体】追过, 大显比赛的优越本领show one's teeth发怒show sb. the door逐出, [美]拒绝要求show out送出(客人)show sb. over领某人(到处)参观show sb. round领某人(到处)参观show sb. around领某人(到处)参观show sb. what one is made of向某人显自已的才能、力量、品德等show the wing(用飞行访问)显示空军力量show up到席, 露面; 显眼; 暴露; 揭发; 嘲笑; 使人难堪show display exhibit expose 都含"景象的出现"、或 "展示某物让人看"的意思。show 系常用词, 指"故意或无意给人看所显示之物", 如:S-us the garden.让我们看一下花园。display 指"把某物展出使人们看到", 如:Jewelry is displayed on a sales counter.珠宝陈列在柜台里。exhibit 指"为出售、竞赛等而陈列", 如:Unearthed cultural relics was exhibited here last month.上个月在这里展出了出土文物。expose指"陈列商品等", 如:expose goods in a shopwindow陈列货物于商店橱窗内。show[ FEu ]n.表示, 展览, 炫耀, 外观, 假装v.出示, 指示, 引导, 说明, 显示, 展出, 放映


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