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王若琳新歌:生命中的美好时光 Times of your life

2024-03-04 04:28:56 编辑:join 浏览量:534

王若琳新歌:生命中的美好时光 Times of your life


2008年蔓延在最多人的耳机里、电脑中、音响、车上...最多人反覆聆听,收藏推荐的好声音,唱歌的Joanna、写歌的王若琳,浑然天成的声音,自成一格的创作Joanna 2009最新专辑「Joanna & 王若琳」,Times of Your Life-远传相片分享服务广告主题曲,经典隽永,翻唱自Paul Anka70年代金曲。


Artist:JoannaSong:Times of your life

good morning, yesterdayyou wake up and time has slipped awayand suddenly it's hard to findthe memories you left behindremember, do you remember

口语资料“绝密版” 免费赠送活动进行中

the laughter and the tearsthe shadows of misty yesteryearsthe good times and the bad you've seenand all the others in betweenremember, do you rememberthe times of your life (do you remember)

reach back for the joy and the sorrowput them away in your mindthe mem'ries are time that you borrowto spend when you get to tomorrow

here comes the saddest part (comes the saddest part)the seasons are passing one by oneso gather moments while you maycollect the dreams you dream todayremember, will you rememberthe times of your life

gather moments while you maycollect the dreams you dream todayremember, will you rememberthe times of your lifeof your life

do you remember, babydo you remember the times of your lifedo you remember, babydo you remember the times of your life



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