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这还用说 当然是 世界杯主题曲生命之杯 啊

他的全球大热作品 "Livin' La Vida Loca" 被誉为新世代Party必选之作,此曲更荣获MTV Music Video Awards 最佳跳舞及最佳流行音乐录影带两项大奖。他更在全球举行巡回演唱会。1999年2月第41届格林美颁奖典礼上, 通过全球187国家电视传播, Ricky Martin当晚表演98年世界杯主题曲 "The Cup Of Life (La Copa de La Vida)" ,此曲更是超过30个国家No.1的细碟歌曲。在同年4月, 细碟 "Livin' La Vida Loca"在首星期推出,便火速登上 Billboard No.1,同时打破多项纪录。1999年5月11日推出的 "Ricky Martin", 顺理成章成为Billboard大碟榜第一位, 及首张在第一星期内销量超过660,000张的唱片,破了Columbia Records一直以来最高的销售纪录。这张大碟在世界各地均推有白金唱片销量, 包括加拿大、澳洲、日本、西班牙、美国、挪威、芬兰及一些欧洲国家。附简介:原名: 瑞奇·马丁 英文名: Ricky Martin 艺名: Ricky Martin 生日: 1971.12.24 身高: 185CM 出生地: 体重:KG 血型: 生肖 星座: 摩羯座 代 表 作: Me Amaras A Medio Vivir Vuelve Ricky Martin Star Profile 奖 项: 1999年第41届葛莱美音乐奖最耀眼的大奖得主 详细介绍: 眼睛颜色:棕色 发色:浅棕色 母亲:Nereida Morales 父亲:Enrique Martin Negroni 食物偏好:义大利菜 最不喜欢的食物:海鲜 最喜欢的演员:罗伯特德尼罗(Robert DeNiro) 最喜欢的歌者:Miguel Bose 最喜欢的书籍种类:诗集、哲学类、艺术、经典文学 最好的特质:诚恳 最糟的特质:诚恳 害怕的事物:蛇 会脸红的事:说谎 自认曾做过最聪明的事:加入演艺事业 1999年第41届葛莱美音乐奖最耀眼的大奖得主Ricky Martin,其不仅获邀在葛莱美音乐奖的颁奖典礼中,登台演唱其席卷全球超过30国排行榜冠军宝座的1998世界杯足球赛指定主题曲《La Copa De La Vida (The Cup Of Life)》,以精湛且热力四射的演出,赢得全场与会人士起立鼓掌致敬,并透过转播让全球 187个国家超过10亿的观众感受到他的魅力。 瑞奇·马丁的星路历程

曲名:生命之杯 歌手:瑞奇马丁 The Cup Of Life Do you really want it? (Yeah!) Do you really want it? (Yeah!) Do you really want it? (Yeah!) (Music) Go, go, go (Go, go, go) Ale, ale, ale (Ale, ale, ale) Go (Go) Go (Go) Go (Go) Go (Go) Here we go! The cup of life, This is the one. Now is the time, Don't ever stop. Push it along, Gotta be strong, Push it along, Right to the top. Como Cain y Abel Es un partido cruel Tienes que pelear por una estrella Consigue con honor La copa del amor Para sobrevivir y luchar por ella Luchar por ella (Yeah!) Do you really want it? (Yeah!) Here we go!! Ale, ale, ale Go, go, goal!! Ale, ale, ale Arriba va!! El mundo esta de pie Go, go, goal!! Ale, ale, ale La vida es Competicion Hay que sor Ser campeon La copa es La bendicion La ganaras Go go go And when you feel the heat, The world is at your feet. No one can hold you down If you really want it! Just steal your destiny Right from the hands of fate. Reach for the cup of life 'Cause your name is on it! Do you really want it? (Yeah!) Do you really want it? (Yeah!) Tu y yo, Ale, ale, ale! Go, go, gol! Ale, ale, ale! Tonight's the night! We're gonna celebrate! The cup of life! Ale, ale, ale! Gotta go and get it. Do you really want it? Gotta go and get it. Do you really want it? (Yeah!) The cup of life, This is the one. Now is the time, Don't ever stop. Push it along, Gotta be strong, Push it along, Right to the top. Como Cain y Abel Es un partido cruel Tienes que pelear por una estrella Consigue con honor La copa del amor Para sobrevivir y luchar por ella (SI!) Luchar por ella (SI!) Luchar por ella (Yeah!) Do you really want it? (Yeah!) Here we go! Ale, ale, ale! Go, go, goal! Ale, ale, ale! Tonight's the night! We're gonna celebrate! The cup of life! Ale, ale, ale! Un, dos, tres! Ole, ole, ole! Un, deux, trois! Ale, ale, ale! Arriba va!! El mundo esta de pie Go, go, gol!! Ale, ale, ale! Ale, ale (Ale, ale) Ale, ale (Ale, ale) Ale, ale (Ale, ale) Ale, ale, ale! YA~~~~!!!^^


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