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just live什么意思

2023-04-10 21:40:39 编辑:join 浏览量:612

just live什么意思

just live自己活;只是住;就活段桐团着吧;活着吧双语例句1. I just live in hope that one day she'll talk to me. 我轮铅只是妄想着有一天她会和我说话。2. We'll have to just live through it. 我们只有忍耐下去了.3. I just live up the street, and I heard all the sirens. What's going on? 我就住在这街上, 听到了好多警握橘笛声, 发生了什么事?4. Homo urbanus did not just live in a town: he was urbane. 城市人属的区别不仅仅是在城镇生活,还有他更为有教养.5. I don't know about tomorrow, I just live from day to day. 我不知明日将如何, 我只是活着一天又一天.


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