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落魄的英语翻译 落魄用英语怎么说

2023-04-16 14:10:06 编辑:join 浏览量:616

落魄的英语翻译 落魄用英语怎么说

落魄:可以翻译为以下方式。abjection; comedown; come down in the world; down and out1对于两个赛季前排名第二的俱乐部来说,竟然有降级之虞真是太落魄了。The prospect of relegation is a comedown for a club that finished second two seasons ago. 2这个老头儿是个落魄的英国人,名叫享利·阿特金斯。This old man was a castaway englishman, henry Atkins by name. 3他橡乱已搬了家,无疑是落魄了。He has moved house and has certainly come down in the world. provided by jukuu4所以,上个月丢了工作以后就完全落魄了。So since he lost his job last month, he has been completely down and out. gb.cri.cn5在我落魄潦倒之时,除了我的新朋友虱子还有谁会来看我!When I fell on evil days, who should come to meet me but my new friendlouse!provided by jukuu6我依然要感谢那些在我落魄时支持我的人。My thanks also go to those who still stuck by me, when I was on dark days. provided by jukuu7可怜的老乔治自从他的生意失败以后就落魄了。Poor old George has come down in the world since his business failed. www.dictall.com8落魄时,没有人认识;得意时,你不认识你自己。When out of favour, none know thee; when in, thou dost not know thyself. provided by jukuu9美国消费者并非唯一感到失意落魄的人。The US consumer is not the only one feeling down and out. www.ftchinese.com10我不想她成为一个落魄少女,我希望她能够挺身而出,保护弟弟。I want her to not be a damsel in distress. I want her to go out and protect her brother. www.hjenglish.com11我是一个优胜培梁者,而他们的生命却被那些落魄者所左右。I'm a winner; their lives look like they are ruled by looser. www.tingvoa.com12他自己就是个落魄作家。配如运He was a frustrated author himself. provided by jukuu13我倒有点儿象个落魄的王孙。I do seem to be a broken-down monarch of some kind. provided by jukuu14理智使我落魄成现在这样。Being reasonable got me where I am right now. provided by jukuu15当然,投资银行家还没落魄到要人同情的地步。To be sure, few are crying for investment bankers. www.fortunechina.com16看看我现在有多落魄!Look at how badiy off I am! provided by jukuu17否则,这个国家真的会走向落魄。Otherwise the country really is going to the dogs. www.ftchinese.com18时空之外,是不是你也在落雨的时候和我一样,一副落魄的形骸。Outside of time and space, is you also in dripped, the same as me, a deputy dethroned head. blog.sina.com.cn19你看上去有点甜蜜,有点麻烦,有点落魄。You seem very sweet and unkempt and troubled. provided by jukuu20善良、宽容的中国人让我们落魄的惊魂得以抚慰,也让我们最终登上了回家的轮船。We were so scared, but the kind and forgiving Chinese people calmed us down and helped us eventually embark on the steamboat heading home. jean.yhean.blog.163.com21他的父亲是一个落魄的商人,所以小伯蒂的母亲不得不给人家当女仆。His father was a poor businessman, and young Bertie's mother had to work as a lady's maid. word.hcbus.com22在2008年渐进尾声之际,亚洲私人银行家和财富经理显得落魄、有点谦卑和谨慎,尽管他们对于前景并不全是灰心丧气。As 2008 draws to an end, private bankers and wealth managers in Asia seem battered, a little humble and cautious, although not always disheartened at the outlook. www.ftchinese.com23克利斯真是落魄潦倒。他睡在公园板凳上而且整天喝酒。Chris is such a low-life. He sleeps on the park bench and drink booze all day.www.dictall.com24葛朗台的独生女儿-天真美丽的欧也妮爱上了破产落魄的表弟夏尔。Grandet's only child, innocent and beautiful, fell in love with Jenny's cousin Charles, a abject man, who was bankrupted. xiaozu.renren.com25他父亲穷途落魄,担惊受怕,但仍努力不懈。His father was desperate and frightened, but obstinately fighting. www.jukuu.com26上周末,落魄豪门尤文图斯队取得了意乙首胜。Last weekend, Series B witnessed the first win of Juventus, the disgraced galaxy of talent athletes. bbs.chinadaily.com.cn27落魄的胜利者。Winner on the come down. yyyy.o-o.blog.163.com28我是一位落魄的书生,带着穷酸与才华战战兢兢的进京赶考,一如大都赶考的一样,失意而归。I am a lackluster scholar, with scrubby and talent to Beijing fears that exam, as most of the same exam, go home frustrated. enwaimao.cn29我落魄到被发现昏迷或沉睡在废墟里I was so down and out till I was found unconscious in some abandoned and rundown house gtlim.com30你的话有决定生死的力量。一句鼓励的话可以让落魄的人重新振作,让他们重新面对生活。An encouraging word to someone who is down can lift them up and help them make it through the day.


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