GTA IV 1.06之前版本: trainer.asi, trainer.ini, scripthook.dll - OLD Patches(这个文件重命名为scripthook.dll) 三个文件覆盖到游戏目录GTA IV1.06/1.07版本: trainer.asi, trainer.ini, scripthook.dll 覆盖到GTA IV游戏目录GTAIV + TLAD as DLC: trainer.asi, trainer.ini, trainertlad.asi, trainertlad.ini, scripthook.dll into the GTAIV main directory (c:\program files\rockstar games\grand theft auto IV on X86 windows versions, or c:\program files (x86)\rockstar games\grand theft auto IV on X64 windows). GTAIV + TBOGT as DLC: trainer.asi, trainer.ini, trainertbogt.asi, trainertbogt.ini, scripthook.dll into the GTAIV main directory (c:\program files\rockstar games\grand theft auto IV on X86 windows versions, or c:\program files (x86)\rockstar games\grand theft auto IV on X64 windows). GTAIV + TLAD + TBOGT as DLC: trainer.asi, trainer.ini, trainertlad.asi, trainertlad.ini, trainertbogt.asi, trainertbogt.ini, scripthook.dll into the GTAIV main directory (c:\program files\rockstar games\grand theft auto IV on X86 windows versions, or c:\program files (x86)\磨判rockstar games\grand theft auto IV on X64 windows). EFLC only: trainertlad.asi, trainertlad.ini, trainertbogt.asi, trainertbogt.ini, scripthook.dll in the EFLC main directory (c:\program files\rockstar games\EFLC on X86 windows versions, or c:\program files (x86)\rockstar games\EFLC on X64 windows). GTAIV and EFLC: trainer.asi, trainer.ini, scripthook.dll into the GTAIV main directory (c:\program files\rockstar games\grand theft auto IV on X86 windows versions, or c:\培洞program files (x86)\rockstar games\grand theft auto IV on X64 windows). AND trainertlad.asi, trainertlad.ini, trainertbogt.asi, trainertbogt.ini, scripthook.dll in the EFLC main directory (c:\program files\rockstar games\EFLC on X86 windows versions, or c:\瞎中改program files (x86)\rockstar games\EFLC on X64 windows). Of course if IV is lower than patch 6, use the scripthook.dll – OLD Patches and rename to scripthook.dll