

2023-05-06 06:34:32 编辑:join 浏览量:619


充分体会到: be fully alive tothe embitterment that resulted from the loss of his job never left him.她体会到了生活的苦难。the cheerful feeling you have when nothing is troubling you.无事烦扰时所体会到的愉快心情。I've experienced a fair bit about the thrills and spills of running a small business.我已经体会到了经营一个小公司的甜酸苦辣。In the abyss of his mind he apprehend the world's minuteness.在他的心灵深处,他体会到世春猛界的渺小。Every member of the committee was very much alive to the responsibilities that pressed down heavily on him.委歼庆员会的每个成员都深切体会到自己所肩负的重任。Now he appreciated how much their help meant to him.现在他体会到他们的帮助对他意义有多大了。Her illness brought home to him how much he depended on her.她病倒才使他深刻体会到自己对她依赖有多大。氏森握I did not realize the significance of the event till he pointed it out to me.直到他向我指出,我才体会到这件事的意义。I didn't realize the significance of the event fill till be pointed it out to me.直到他向我指出,我才体会到这件事的意义。I realize only too well now that what I did was a mistake of the first water.现在我才深切地体会到我所犯的错误是最严重的。


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