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white lie in black

2023-05-21 00:43:05 编辑:join 浏览量:629

white lie in black

厄....LZ误会了...  首先,white lie in black是游戏“迷城的国度”的音乐,然后因为出现在黑执事的一部MV里面导致有人误认为是事黑执事里的歌....  MV地址~http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=499765206  然后,white lie in black是英文歌....  最后,下面是歌词.......  May God forgive My white lies  (愿神明能宽恕我的善意之谎言)  For our Love, For the world of tomorrow...  (为了我们的爱,为了世间的明天……)  Do not chase But hark back  (勿要急于追寻请侧耳聆听过去)  you see reflections of the true Love  (你就会发现我们真爱的倒影)  Do not demand But visualize  (勿要只则悄顾索求请在心中冥想)  and you hear rings of the pure  (你就会听见那纯净悦耳的钟鸣)  Do not chase But hark back  (勿要急于追寻请侧耳聆听世仿过去)  you see re-creations of the  (你就会看见那重现的城堡)  Do not demand But visualize  (勿要只顾索求请在心中冥想)  and you hear songs of the phoenix  (你就会听到那不死鸟的歌声)  Is the foggy heart Black or white?  (那朦胧的心是光明还是黑暗搜盯纤?)  Is the wavin' tears Deep or shallow?  (那闪动的泪海是深渊还是浅滩?)  Is the courtly love Black or white?  (那高贵的爱是纯洁还是污秽?)  Is the sleepin' beauty Distant or near?  (那睡美人是近在咫尺还是远在天边?)  You, the brave!  (你,这位勇敢的战士!)  have no fear to pierce the stillness of the tide  (无所畏惧地刺穿海潮的静寂)  Here forms an invisible Fate  (在这里交织成无形的命运)  You, the true heir to the sword!  (你,这把圣剑的继承者!)  never flinch from facing the state of the flux  (从不害怕面对无常的世事)  Here sounds an inaudible will...of Love  (在这里奏响了无声的……爱之愿律)  uh...  (啊啊啊啊啊……) (啊啊啊啊啊……)  ...now  (……现在,)  Both of the black and the white  (黑与白一同)  Dissolve into the crystal sky  (消散在水晶色的天空之中)  it's a Blaze of the Future  (这是照亮未来的烈焰)  a Bond of our Love...  (是我们的爱之羁绊……)


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