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hard out here歌词翻译

2023-05-22 23:19:31 编辑:join 浏览量:588

hard out here歌词翻译

I suppose I should tell youWhat this bitch is thinkingYou find me in the studioAnd not in the kitchen追问著我对这疯婊的意见好像我真该告诉你似的但我现在正在工作并不是在厨房大谈八卦I won't be bragging about my carsOr talking about my chainsDon't need to shake my ass for you'Cause I've got a brain我不会谈论我的名车也不会炫耀我的项鍊不必为你搔首弄姿因为我不是个花瓶If I told you about my sex lifeYou call me a slutThem boys be talking about their bitchesNo one's making a fuss如果我聊到我的性生活就以荡妇的标题大肆报导而那些男人又玩了几个女人却只当他是一声屁There's a glass ceiling to break, uh huhThere's money to makeAnd now it's time to speed it up'Cause I can't move in this place透明天花板仍在人人都只是在谋生该加速了因为这个地方太不自由Sometimes it's hard to find the words to sayI'll go ahead and say them anywayForget your balls, and grow a pair of tits有时我们真的有苦难言但我将不再受限忘掉你的蛋蛋 长个胸部设身处地的想想It's hard, it's hardIt's hard out here for a bitch. It's hard(For a bitch, for a bitch)For a bitch. It's hardIt's hard out here for a bitch. It's hard(For a bitch, for a bitch)For a bitch. It's hardIt's hard out here严苛的环境 严苛的生态严苛的检视著每一个女孩 严格的要求 严厉的报导严肃的指控著每一位女孩每一位女孩都活在这样严峻的歧视中兆亩搜You're not a size sixAnd you're not good lookingWell, you better be richOr be real good at cooking你既没有好身材又不是超级正妹恩~那你最好有耐败个有钱老爸或真的很会下厨You should probably lose some weight'Cause we can't see your bonesYou should probably fix your faceOr you'll end up on your own但你最好减个肥毕竟连你的骨头都看不见顺便整个型不然恐族历怕也走不远


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