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灶隐 SUSAN  You're not listening --  PARRISH  Oh yes, I am. Not an ounce of  excitement, not a whisper of a  thrill, this relationship has all  the passion of a pair of titmice.  SUSAN  Don't get dirty, Dad --  PARRISH  Well, it worries me. I want you 败辩型 to get swept away. I want you to  levitate. I want you to sing with  rapture and dance like a dervish.  SUSAN  That's all?  PARRISH  Be deliriously happy. Or at least  leave yourself open to be.  SUSAN  'Be deliriously happy'察猜. I'm going  to do my upmost --  He smiles.  PARRISH  I know it's a cornball thing but  love is passion, obsession, someone  you can't live without. If you  don't start with that, what are you  going to end up with? I say fall  head over heels. Find someone you  can love like crazy and who'll love  you the same way back. And how do  you find him? Forget your head and  listen to your heart. I'm not  hearing any heart.  (a moment)  Run the risk, if you get hurt, you'll  come back. Because, the truth is  there is no sense living your life  without this. To make the journey  and not fall deeply in love -- well,  you haven't lived a life at all.  You have to try. Because if you  haven't tried, you haven't lived.  SUSAN  Bravo.  PARRISH  Aw, you're tough.  SUSAN  I'm sorry. But give it to me again.  The short version.  PARRISH  Stay open. Who knows? Lightning  could strike.  Silence.  PARRISH (cont'd)  Forgive the lecture --  SUSAN  I won't. And when I tell Drew about  it, he won't either.  PARRISH  You won't tell him, and even if you  did, he'd clock it and punch it into  his laptop in order to pull out some  key phrases when he gives the  Commencement Speech at Wharton.  SUSAN  You're terrible.  PARRISH  I know. But I'm the only father  you've got.  She kisses him on the cheek.  SUSAN  Thank God.  PARRISH  He doesn't care. But thanks anyway.  更多请参考剧本:http://www.imsdb.com/scripts/Meet-Joe-Black.html


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