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agree for和agree with,agree to 区别

2023-06-27 06:13:53 编辑:join 浏览量:585

agree for和agree with,agree to 区别

agree with 和agree to 的区别并不在于他们所接瞎闭卖的宾语不同(一般认为agree with sb./agree with sth.),而在于他们具有不同的语意.agree with 是指出自主磨逗观愿望的”赞成,同意”(have the same opinion) eg.She agreed with the idea.I agree with his view.agree to 是指”接受,认可”,常常指并非出自主观愿望的”同意”.指不乐意或争论之后的同意态肆.(to accept an idea, oppion,etc.,especially after unwillingness or arguement).你可能agree to 一个政策,然而并不一定agree with 它


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