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strike [straik] vi. 打,打击;罢工;敲,敲击;抓;打动;穿透vt. 打,击;罢工;撞击,冲击;侵袭;打动;到达n. 罢工;打击;殴打[ 过去式struck 或 strook 过去分词和扰struck 或 stricken 现在分词striking ] on strike 罢工,罢工中 strike in 插嘴 air strike 空袭 strike at 袭击;攻击;向…打击 lightning strike n. 雷击(等于lightning stroke);闪电式罢工 strike for 为…而罢工 strike slip [地理学]走向位移;走向滑距 general strike 大罢工 strike down 杀死;击倒 go on strike 举行罢工 strike a chord 打动(某人的)心弦,在(某人心中)引起共鸣 引起共鸣,触动心弦 strike against 为反对…而罢工 strike on 打在…上;突然想起 strike up 使开始;建立起;开始演奏 strike out 打击;删去;想出;产生 strike fire 打火 hunger strike n. 绝食抗议 strike twelve 获得最大成就;达到最高目标;显出全副本领 strike someone as 在某人看来似乎... strike back 回击,反击 vi.打,打击;[劳经]罢工;敲,敲击;抓;打动;穿透grasp, beat uponvt.打,击;[劳经]罢工;撞击,冲击;侵袭;打动;到达impact, beat uponn.[劳经]罢工;打击;殴打stroke, shock, hit, hidingstrike [straik] vt.1. 击,打,敲击:He's struck by his father.他挨了父亲的打。to strike the door用力敲门2. 给予(一击):He was struck by a heavy blow.他受到重重的一击。3. 撞击,碰撞;冲击:His car directly struck a tree.他的汽车一头撞到了树上。The big waves struck the rocks of the bank.巨伍棚盯浪拍击着岸边的岩石。4. 打掉,击断;砍掉:She struck a glass of wine in my hand.她一掌打落了我手中的一杯酒。5. (自然力或超自然力)击毁,摧毁:The old tree was struck by lightning.那棵古树遭到了雷击。May God strike you dead!让老天爷劈死你吧!6. 把…刺入,使穿透(常与 into 连用):to strike a dagger into one's chest把短剑刺入某人的胸膛His remarks struck a tremble into her heart.他的话令她感到不寒而栗。7. 打出(火花等);打(火):to strike sparks on the rocks在岩石上打出了火花8. 擦燃(火柴):He quickly struck a match to light her cigarette.他急忙擦着一根火柴,为她点燃了香烟。9. (声音)传入…的耳中,被感受到;(光)照在…上,照到:His gruff hoarse voice struck my ears.他那腔和粗重嘶哑的嗓音传入了我的耳中。Sun strikes him, warming him sleepy.太阳照在他身上,暖洋洋的令其昏昏欲睡。10. 使看到;使听到:You can take the first object in my room that strikes your eyes.你可以拿我屋中你第一眼看到的东西。11. 使想起;使突然想到;使认为:A happy thought struck her.她的心头突然涌出一个愉快的念头。It strikes me that he's right a tough nut to crack.在我看来,他可是个难对付的家伙。12. 给…(某种)印象,给…以深刻印象;引起…的感情(或情绪等);感动,影响:How does she strike you?你对她印象如何?He gave me a vase, which strikes my fancy.他给了我一只花瓶,这只花瓶很中我的意。13. 使引人注目;使喜爱:We were all struck by his remarks.我们都被他的话吸引住了。She was gradually known and struck by the audience.她渐渐得到观众的认可和喜爱。14. 使产生(或引起)(某种感情);使处于(某种状态):to strike fear into a person使某人惧怕I was struck with fear.我被吓呆了。15. 采取…的态度;摆出…的姿势:She always liked to strike a noble pose.她总是喜欢摆出一副高贵的样子。16. 使瞬间感受到(冷淡、热心等):I was struck with ease after finishing the article.写完那篇文章之后,我突然感到一阵轻松。17. 发现(石油、矿物等)18. 突然(或偶然)发现;遇到,邂逅:I struck the name of a friend of mine in the newspaper.我在报纸上突然发现了我朋友的名字。She was the most beautiful girl I had ever struck.她是我见到过的最漂亮的姑娘。19. (植物、插枝等)生(根);扎(根)20. 达成(协议或合同等);清算,结算:to strike a compromise达成妥协to strike a balance结算账目21. 拆除;收起:to strike a tent拆帐篷to strike one's umbrella收起伞具22. 删掉,取消:to strike some words from the last paragraph从最后一段中删去几个字to strike an appointment取消约会23. 撤去(或拆除)(布景、道具等);搬掉…的舞台布景:to strike a set撒去布景24. 把(舞台灯光)调暗,把(舞台灯光)关闭:to strike the top lights关闭顶灯25. 【航海学】落下(或取下)(帆、桅等)降下(帆、旗子等)(降旗)向…表示致意(或投降)(用索具)把…吊入货舱26. 【狩猎】从猎鹰头上揭掉(头罩)27. 【钓鱼】(鱼)上钓拉钓丝钩住(鱼)28. 用鱼叉叉(鲸鱼)29. 【机械学】弄平,使平滑30. 用斗刮磨平;用斗衡量(谷物等)31. 铸(硬币);冲压,压制:to strike a medal in commemoration冲压纪念章32. 斩去,砍掉(常与 off 连用):Illness struck him off from social contacts.疾病令他中止了社会交往。The butcher struck off a chop.屠夫砍下了一片带骨肉。33. 【建筑工程】抹光(灰浆接合处)34. (钟等)敲响报(时):The clock struck 2.钟敲两点。35. (疾病等)突然侵袭;使突然患病(或死亡);使遭受折磨(常与 down 连用):The plague struck the whole of Europe.瘟疫袭击了整个欧洲。Apoplexy struck him down.他因患中风而死去。36. 攻击,进攻:We will strike the town tomorrow.明天我们将向该城市发起攻击。37. (被打得)突然失(明),突然失(聪等)38. 使突然启动;使突然开始:The horse struck a gallop.那匹马突然飞跑起来。39. 来到,到达;沿着…走:We'll strike London before dark.天黑前我们可以到达伦敦。Striking this direction,we can catch them up at once.沿着这个方向我们能很快追上他们。40. 估算,求出:to strike an average算出平均数to strike an approximate value求出近似值41. (作为强制手段)停止(工作),(下班或用餐时)丢下(工作)42. 罢(工、课等);在…罢工(或罢课等);罢工反对(雇主):The players struck their boss for the payment.球员们为要求老板加薪而罢赛。The trade union decided to strike the whole country.工会决定在全国举行大罢工。43. 向…突然提出紧急要求:She struck me to sue for a divorce.她突然向我提出要求离婚。44. 画(直线);用(尤指直线)画…的边缘45. 抓伤;(用毒牙)咬伤46. 【音乐】弹奏,演奏;演奏出…的音调(或和弦等)47. 【法律】选择(或组成)(陪审团)48. 【昆虫学】产卵于49. [方言]磨平;捋:to strike one's hair抚平头发50. [废语]作(战)vi.1. 击,打:to strike with a hammer用锤子击打to strike at someone with fists用双拳击打某人2. 叩,轻敲:to strike at the door叩门3. 攻击,进攻;袭击:Our troops struck at dawn.我们的部队在黎明时发起了进攻。4. 碰,撞;冲击;(船)触礁:to strike on the wall撞在墙上to strike against a reef触礁5. (疾病)侵袭;受灾:At that time the plague struck in Europe.那时鼠疫侵袭欧洲。6. 发出敲击声:The bell of the church struck to call the worshippers to prayer.教堂的钟声敲响,让信徒们作祈祷。7. (时钟等)敲点报时;(时间)被鸣报:He was coming as 8 just struck.刚刚敲响八点,他就走了进来。8. 刺透,穿透:to strike through the clouds穿透云层9. (火柴)被擦着,被点燃:I saw everything clearly in the room as the match struck.火柴擦亮后,我看清了屋内的一切。10. (光线)照射;(声音)被听到;被感受到(常与 on 或 upon 连用):The golden light of the lamps struck over the room.金黄色的灯光照在屋内。A feeling of wet struck on my face.我脸上有种湿漉漉的感觉。11. (心脏)跳动,悸动:My heart struck rapid as I heard someone come in.当我听到有人走进屋子时,我的心怦怦直跳。12. 打动,给人以(深刻)印象:His stone face struck cold and strict.他那张毫无表情的面孔给人一种冷冰冰严厉的感觉。13. 突然想到;突然发现(常与 on 或 upon 连用):I struck on a way of resolving their differences.我突然想出了消除他们之间分歧的方法。14. (游泳时)击水;(划船时)划桨,划水:Having exhausted the feul,we had to strike to the bank.燃油用完之后,我们不得不划水把船靠了岸。15. 出发,行进,前进:We'll strike out at dawn.我们将在拂晓时分出发。16. 突进,急冲:His car struck into a shop.他的汽车突然冲进了商店。17. 罢工18. (野兽、蛇等)抓;咬(猎犬)嗅到猎物气味19. 【钓鱼】(鱼)上钓,咬饵急拉钓线把鱼钩住20. 【航海学】下帆降旗致意降旗(或升白旗)投降21. [美国英语]【海军】努力工作,力争(与 for 连用):He is striking for Ensign.他正在努力工作以获得少尉军衔。【陆军】(为获得额外收入)自愿为军官做勤务22. 【音乐】弹奏(或演奏)乐器23. 删去,划掉;取消:The reception has struck.原定的招待会已经取消了。24. 【生物学】(牡蛎)附着(种子)发芽;(植物)生根25. (药物)生效,起作用n.1. 击,打,敲2. 攻击,袭击;空袭机组3. 罢工;罢课;罢赛;罢市[1768]4. 刮板,刮斗器,斗刮5. (矿藏等的)意外发现;意外成功;幸运6. 【棒球】(击球员的)击球失败(投手投出的)好球,正球被接手接住的犯规轻打;第三次犯规短打(两次以内未被接手接住的)犯规击球(比较 ball1)7. 【保龄球】一球击倒全部木瓶一球击倒全部木瓶的得分[参较 spare]8. 【钟表】打点报时装置9. 【房屋建筑】(门窗的)锁舌片,门鼻子10. 【酿造】(啤酒等的)质量;品级;浓度11. 【钓鱼】(鱼)咬饵猛拉钓线钩住鱼12. 【铸造】一次的铸币量13. 【机械学】一次冲压成的徽章量14. 【地质学、矿物学】走向构造线的方向15. 【植物学】生根,扎根16. 【兽病理学】(羊的)皮肤蝇蛆病17. 不利,挫折18. 【冶金学】触击电镀膜希望有帮助~


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