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psychologist: [ sai'kɔlədʒist ] n. 心理学家例句与用法: 1. Austrian psychologist. He shared a1973 Nobel Prize for studies of individual and social behavior patterns. 洛伦茨,康拉德·扎迦利1903-1989奥地利心理学家。因在个人与社会行为方式方面的研究而获1973年诺贝尔奖 2. The psychologist always assign work to each researcher. 这位心理学家总是将工作分派给每个研究员。 3. A gifted American psychologist has said, "Worry is a spasm of the emotion; the mind catches hold of something and will not let it go". 一位天才的美国塌歼心理学家说过:“烦恼是感情的一阵发作;脑子被某件事纠缠着而又抛不开它。” 4. "But it's important to remember this is not about the technology, per se; It's about how it is used, " says psychologist Christine Riley of Intel, one of the study's sponsors. "然而,重要的是不要忘记这与技术本身是无关的,问题在于如何使用因特网。"这项研究的发起人之一、心理学家、英特尔公司的克里斯廷·赖利说。 psychiatrist: [ sai'kaiətrist; (US) si- ] n. 精神病医师,精神病学家例句与用法: 1. The Home Secretary asked a consultant psychiatrist to determine whether she ought to be released(or transferred to hospital) on health grounds. 内务大臣叫精神病顾问医生决定是否应该由于健康原因将她释放(或转移到医院)。 psychologic: a. 心理学的, 心理上的psychology: [ sai'kɔlədʒi ] n. 心理学词形变化: 名词复数:psychologies 例句与用法: 1. I am always interested in psychology. 我一直对心理学感兴趣。 2. We need some male subjects for a psychology experiment. 我团知冲们需要几个男子作心理学实验对象. 3. Mathematics, psychology, and political science- these are my favorite subjects. 数学、心理学猛段和政治学——这些是我所学的课程。 4. I can't understand that man's psychology. 我无法理解那个人的心理。


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