

2023-07-22 15:37:20 编辑:join 浏览量:624


Miley Cyrus and the Hannah Montana franchise gets constant berating by adults, older teenagers, and critics alike and none of it makes sense. Is that because her and this film are brilliant? No, not necessarily. It is because this film hits the target demographic brilliantly. It also doesn't try to throw together crude jokes, or try to tone down being sickeningly sweet and I say BRAVO!! For the average movie goer to sit down and watch this movie they would find it laughably terrible but I will embrace anything that actually promotes sweetness and innocence because I had it as a child (usually with Disney films) and I want my kids to have it too. Does this make the movie good? NO! The movie still has to hold its own, have good characters, good story, and a movie like this just has to be fun! The silly slapstick comedy from the VERY cheesy show on Family Channel carries over into the film with even more heart. Some of the antics are actually laugh out loud funny. But certainly the emotion in the film is amped up and as with any great Disney movie there is an underlying moral message to learn from and Miley Cyrus is the phenomenon to pull it off.Much has been said about Miley Cyrus, good and bad. Regardless she has an enormous following. I also personally think she is very talented and has great charisma and it carries over into this film. I doubt that her role as Miley Stewart and Hannah Montana is probably not exactly a stretch from reality for her but she is still fun to watch. She is very down home and comfortable and fun to watch. She embraces her teenage awkwardness and has a great time on screen! Billy Ray Cyrus plays her Dad...hmmm weird...no big stretch there either. Billy Ray has that same down home quality that makes him fun to watch. I think the chemistry between him and Miley being real life daughter and father helps enormously for the two of them. Although I've only seen it in passing (I swear) I've noticed that Miley Stewart's brother in the show is overused, cheesy and annoying. Fortunately they toned him down to barely a passing cameo in the film for Jason Earles. Emily Osment also carries over from the TV cast as Miley's best friend. She is good in the part and is fun in her role but she certainly doesn't reach the level of Miley Cyrus and her personality doesn't quite carry the same weight. Lucas Till is Miley's love interest in the film. He is really quite excellent and while his character isn't stand out or get a lot of comedic moments he still is a good character and has great chemistry with Miley Cyrus. There is certainly a lot of other supporting characters and cameos and they all do a good job but ultimately the supporting cast does a lot of that...support the Cyrus' and none of them get the opportunity to stand out.I was actually surprised to see director Peter Chelsolm attached to directing this film. I would have expected a female director and someone with less experience to helm the film. Chelsolm has had a fair bit of experience and this film actually feels a little wishy washy for him. Still he tells a solid story and seems to work at making the film, story and characters a little less cheesy than the TV counterpart. I am almost sure that most adults won't be entertained by this movie but the cool thing about it is you can actually leave your kid watching this and be assured that its age appropriate and won't disappoint them. So while its not for everyone, it hits the demographic head on, its cute, and funny and showcases one of the pre-teens' biggest stars. Worth seeing if you like that kind of set up.


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