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shoot at 和shoot区别是什么》

2023-07-30 17:46:56 编辑:join 浏览量:572

shoot at 和shoot区别是什么》

shoot at 强调瞄准的物体和方位,强调动作A hunter is shooting at a bird.猎人在瞄准一只鸟.shoot 仅表示开枪射击,不表示方位,强调结果A hunter shot a bird.猎人击中了一只鸟.shoot at与茄源铅shoot to皆为“朝…射击”,但是at表攻击性,而to仅表方向,如: shout at sb.怒斥/谩骂某人 shout to…朝…高声喊叫shoot[∫u:t]vt.(shot [FCt])发射(箭、枪、炮等); 射出(光线等); 投射(目光)射中; 打死, 枪决快速提出问题; 快速通过; 急速派遣; (快速)伸出(舌头等); 挥出(拳头); 抛[撒]出(网等); 倾卸(垃圾); 挥霍(金钱)(足球)射门; (篮球)投篮;【纺】投梭; 掷(骰子颤好); 给...注射; 注射(毒品); 长出新芽拍摄(照片, 电影)打猎测量(天体的)高度闩门, 拨出(门栓)[美俚]传递刨光, 刨精确点着, 使爆炸; 毁坏shoot the arrow at the target 有的放矢shoot sb. (dead) 击毙某人shoot questions at a speaker 向讲演者提出一连串问题shoot a bridge 迅速从桥下通过shoot one's fist at sb. 朝某人挥拳打去shoot the salt to him 把盐递给他She shot an angry look at him. 她对他 投以愤怒的眼色裂迹。The snake shot its tongue out. 蛇突然伸出舌头。The trees are shooting out new branches. 树在长新枝。   To shoot a lion和 to shoot at a lion的涵义并不相同。前者是“射中(或射死)一头狮子”,shoot是及物动词,lion是它的宾语;后者是“对准一头狮子射击”,shoot是不及物动词,lion是介词at的宾语。  由此可见,to shoot用于表示射击行动已获得预期结果的场合; to shoot at仅表示对准目的物射击,与结果无关,是否命中或有否打死,不得而知。  试对比下列的例句:  He shot himself yesterday.  昨日他吞枪自杀。  The spy was shot through the heart.  该间谍被击穿心脏。  She shot at that target but missed it.  她向靶射击,但没有命中。  I shot at thd bird but it flew away.  我举枪向鸟射击,可是它飞走了。  与之类似的词语有:  hit—hit at  grab—grab at  to catch the ball—to catch at the ball  to snatch the book—to snatch at the book  to grasp the straw—to grasp at the straw


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