The Gore-Lieberman proposal makes several guarantees, among them that:
The UK MBA will issue bonds backed by joint and several guarantees of the authorities involved.
Moreover, in the case of a joint and several guarantee by several sureties, unless all sign it none are liable thereunder.
But Graziano was told last month by Fox that he would be allowed to absorb several guaranteed contracts if it made the team more competitive.
It can outbid Showtime for Rahman's services with a huge payday, plus perhaps several guaranteed dates, win or lose, on its network.
It'卖源搭裂败s difficult to find several guarantee in a sentence.
The legislature, hand-picked by Beijing and scorned by pro-democracy activists and some Western officials, put limits on several guarantees of civil liberties.
The Republican plan provides several guarantees, including access to emergency room care, out-of-network physicians and specialists for an estimated 56 million insured individuals.
Flint agreed to a four-year contract that, like Calipari's deal at UMass, has a base salary of $ 132, 000 and several guaranteed incentives.