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pray for you什么意思

2023-07-31 21:28:24 编辑:join 浏览量:546

pray for you什么意思

为你祈祷。"You mistake, Fernand; it is not a law, but merely a custom, and, I pray of you, do not cite this custom in your favor.“你错了,弗尔南多,那不是一条什么法律,只不过是一种风俗罢了。All that I may tell you, here and now, is, that I pray to you to touch me and to bless me. Kiss me, kiss me! O my dear, my dear!'我现在可以在这儿告诉你的是我请求你抚摸我,为我祝福,亲我,亲我啊,亲爱的,我亲纤誉爱的let them grow pale in their drowsiness, if they are disposed to do so, and pray do you remain in peace, who have no remorse to disturb you."我亲爱的,假如良心睡着,就让它继续睡下去,假如良心醒旁岩着,就让它醒着难受一会儿吧。In the article of death I give you my thanks, and pray for you.在临终之毁启段际,我感谢你,并为你祈祷。 "Naturally I'll never come up to you in this lifetime, I just pray that you'll marry a husband who talks like me, so that you hear nothing but 'love'the whole day long. ""这一辈子我自然比不上你.我只保佑着明儿得一个咬舌的林姐夫,时时刻刻你可听`爱'`厄'去."You, my God, have revealed to your servant that you will build a house for him. So your servant has found courage to pray to you.我的神阿,因你启示仆人说,我必为你建立家室,所以仆人大胆在你面前祈祷。Have you ever asked anyone to pray for you when you were having a hard time? Why did you choose to ask that person?当你在危难之时,是否要求过别人为你代祷呢?为什么你会选择他们?I pray for you more than I pray for myself.我为你祈祷多过为我自己Pray. And I shall pray for you.祈祷,我该为你祈祷。You eat all kinds of meat, and you never pray, do you?你们什么肉都吃,也不祷告


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