

2023-08-11 15:04:11 编辑:join 浏览量:550


This is one of the best Ice Skating movies I have ever seen. I really enjoyed this movie, and thought that it was really worth watching. It shows you must work hard when you really want to do something, you can achieve it! I also thought that it had some funny parts, and pretty much anyone would like to watch this, since it has so many different things in it. I think that it is funny, sort of sad in some parts, and shows a lot of confidence that may make some people want to try harder. This movie is definitely worth watching, and even buying.这是我看过的最好的一部滑冰电影。我非常喜欢这部电影,认为值得一看。它告模纤竖诉我们如果你想做一件事就要努力去做。你就可以实现它!我还认为它有一些喜剧的片段,几乎任何人都旦大想看这个电影,因为它有很多不一样的东西。我认为它是喜剧结合了一些悲剧成分。并展示只要有更多的信心,就会使人们更加努力。这部电影绝对值竖圆得看,甚至购买影碟。


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