

2023-08-22 11:49:38 编辑:join 浏览量:562


It is a real pleasure to be here to open the third meeting of our forum and to be welcoming such a distinguished and influential group of people from both our countries, many of whom are now old friends. The forum aims to represent the relationship between our tow countries outside the political relationship and looking round today it is clear that the relationship is very strong indeed.  -----------------------------------------------------  参考译文:我很高兴地宣布我们论坛的第三次会议正式开幕,并在这里欢迎来自我们两国高层的、具有影响力的代表们。我们中的很多人已经是老朋友了。这个论坛旨在体现我们两国之间的关系力量-在政治关系之外的力量。环视今日会谈铅皮场,显然,我们的关系非常坚固。激和  It is a sign, proving that our forum is getting more strength. I believe it is playing a crucial role in it. The Prime Minister convinced that earlier this morning. our theme for this year's forum is the Challenge of Globalization,we are going to have seminars and discussion on that. And I have something to say about this issue  这是一个迹含差象,表明我们的论坛越来越强大。我相信,论坛在我们两国关系中扮演着一个关键的角色。今早,首相在我们拜访他时就确认了这一点。今年,我们选择的主题是“全球化的挑战”,我们将就此进行会谈和讨论。对于这个主题,我尤其有感触。


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