

2023-03-22 19:22:09 编辑:join 浏览量:618


“八荣八耻”是指:“坚持以热爱祖国为荣、以危铅悄害祖国为耻,以服务人民为荣、以背离人民为耻,以崇尚科学为荣、以愚昧无知雹漏为耻,以辛勤劳动为荣、以好逸恶劳为耻,以团结互助为荣、以损人利己为耻,以诚实守信为荣、以见利忘义为耻,以遵纪守法为荣、以违法乱纪为耻,以艰苦奋斗为荣、槐肆渣以骄奢淫逸为耻。” Eight Do's and Eight Don'ts Love, do not harm the motherland. Serve, don't disserve the people. Uphold science; don't be ignorant and unenlightened. Work hard; don't be lazy and hate work. Be united and help each other; don't gain benefits at the expense of others. Be honest and trustworthy, not profit-mongering at the expense of your values. Be disciplined and law-abiding instead of chaotic and lawless. Know plain living and hard struggle; do not wallow in luxuries and pleasures.


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