

2023-08-30 11:10:44 编辑:join 浏览量:538


链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1r2T493Jit6t1ea7dQY6YDQ



提取码: 6bxj


导演: 高桥没好知子

编剧: Tomoko Takahashi 高桥知子

类型: 剧情、同性

制片国家/地区: 日本

语掘慎言: 日语

片长: 64分钟

又枯散铅名: You Are The Sea、Kimi wa umi

Kaito, a heterosexual man, is a university student having distrust against women. One day, he finds real love when dating with Toko whom he met during part-time job. However, Toko feels her heart fluttering when meeting Hiroka at the park, realizing her feeling towards women whilst refusing her identity as a lesbian. Kaito, who happened to know Toko’s secret,tries to keep her around, but…..This masterpiece depicted on the perspective of a heterosexual man who continues to love a woman who realized her identity shows the possibility of sexual minority.     




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