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Download failed because the resources could not b

2023-09-03 06:46:34 编辑:join 浏览量:589

Download failed because the resources could not b

Download failed because the resources could not b 该句原句是:Download failed because the resources could not be found .译作:找不到资源而无法下载。  Download 英 [ˌdaʊnˈləʊd] 美 [ˌdaʊnˈloʊd]  v. 将(程序,资料等)从大计算机系统输入小计算机系统,下载;  过去分词: downloaded 过拆好瞎去式: downloaded 现在分词: downloading 第三人称单数: downloads  1. Users can download their material to a desktop PC.  用户可以把资料下载到台式机上。  2. You can download the pictures as JPEGs.  你可以用JPEG格式下载这些图像。  resource 英 [rɪˈsɔ:s] 美 [ˈri:sɔ:rs]  n. 资源; 物力旅空,财力; 办法; 智谋;  复数: resources  1. A country's principal resource is its brainpower.  袜手一个国家的首要资源是其人才资源。  2. Water is becoming an increasingly precious resource.  水正成为日益珍贵的资源。


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