Till The World Ends.直到世界尽头。双语例句1.Their favorite song was a track written by Ke$ha for Britney called "Till The World Ends." 他们最喜欢的歌曲是轨道可写的“小甜甜”布兰妮公顷,美元被称为“直到世界结束。”2.Britney Spears, who won the first award of the night for Best Pop Video for her song "Till The World Ends, " tearfully thanked her husband and children at the podium. 布兰妮以一没空首“直到世界的尽头”获得枯皮瞎当晚最佳流行音乐录像带的首奖,她在台上含握凳泪感谢了她的老公和孩子们。
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