

2023-11-14 13:13:11 编辑:join 浏览量:598


秘籍-《彩虹六号4:禁闭》调试码 CHEAT CODE  注意,据我们所知,有比我们这里所列出的更多的console命令,但是,绝大部分都是非常奇怪的调试代码,因此很难决定哪些才是正确的,对你游戏有帮助的代码,因此,我们把一些我们认为没有太大用处的调试代码剔除掉。这里只公布毁知一部分有用的代码:  各种调试码如下Cheat Codes (不分大小写):  boom  The screen shakes similar to when a bomb, rocket, or grenade is  exploded nearby  族饥god  Toggle God Mode on/off 上帝模式开关,无敌  Will make your own character invulnerable to all damage  (including standing upon a grenade when it is detonated).  Your lame squadmates (if they exist) will not be invulnerable.  Too bad for them, but there can be only one true God!  Listcmds  Show all console commands 列出所有console 命令,有兴趣的可以一个个测试。  Most of the commands that we did not list seem to be script  commands, debug options, or internal game variables.  激活console的方法:  1. Start the game.启动游戏  2. Get a mission or map fully loaded.进入一个地图  3. Open the game Console:  兆余返Hit the key " ` " or " ~ " also known as Tilde.按数字1左边的那个键,也就是~或者`即可打开console窗口  Note: You may hit the UpArrow and DownArrow keys to cycle through previously


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