

2023-11-23 11:43:56 编辑:join 浏览量:551


歌的下载地址!http://www.ballive.com/upload/juelz%20santana%20-%20the%20se cond%20coming%20.mp3视频下载地址!http://www.ballive.com/upload/nike%2025.avi还有歌词啊!The Second Coming广告版歌词(翻译C-Dawg)They say a family that prays together stays together人们都说一个大家庭住在一起,大家一起祈祷作者And one that walks apart just falls apart而一个脱离家庭的人必将陨落作者So together we stand divided we fall所以说我们肩并肩必定胜利,而分道扬镳必将失败United we form voltron and take on all 我们联合起来就能组成坚不可摧的力量并击倒一切Yes, The birds left the nest是啊,鸟儿终将离巢I'm all grown up but gotta fly with the rest我已经长大,但我不准备一个人,我要和大家一起飞走Best of the best is what we strive to be我们努力是为了成歼轮谨为最强中的最强作者A legacy is what we trying to leave我们要为后人留下丰厚遗产作者Ya dig?你明白了吗?Now say goodbye to the past现在让我们对过去说再见The future's here at last未来就在你的脚下The second coming第二波The new beginning是新的开桐扒始作者The truth is speaking而"真理"正在说话You should listen你应氏基该好好给我听着完整版歌词:They say a family that prays together, stays together. And one that walks apart just falls apart. So, together we stand, divided we fall. United, we form Voltron and take on all. Let’s move. Yes, the birds le the nest. I’m all grown up I gotta fly with the rest. Best of the best is what we strive to be. Yeah. A legacy is what we trying to leave. Ya dig? Now say goodbye to the past. The future is here at last. The second coming. The new beginning. The truth is speaking. You should listen. So glorious. Victorious. We take what we want we born warriors. So glorious, Victorious. We take what we want we born warriors. If you fall, get up and try it again. If you drop, get up and try it again. If you fall, get up and try it again. If you drop, get up and try it again. We tired of being runners up. We coming up. Yup. We ready for whatever you put in front of us. Whatever. Blood, sweat, tears, yeah. We dripped all three just to get here. No longer will I wake up and my dreams just vanished. It’s staring right at me, I must take advantage. Hard work pays off, you get what you put in. So why stop now? Gotta keep pushing. Keep pushing. We in a fight to the finish, So why not fight 'til you finished? Dig it? I’m my own author, here’s my story. My life’s been full of pain, Now where’s my glory? So glorious. Victorious. We take what we want we born warriors. So glorious. Victorious. We take what we want we born warriors. If you fall, get up and try it again. If you drop, get up and try it again. If you fall, get up and try it again. If you drop, get up and try it again.满意了吧!?要我推荐 我推荐jay-z 的 ·!太好听了 !几乎 ! 不!是所以 nba 球员 ipon 里 都有 他的哥~!


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