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just so you know的歌词是什么意思?

2023-05-07 18:16:58 编辑:join 浏览量:622

just so you know的歌词是什么意思?

I shouldn't love you, but I want to 我不应该去爱你,但是我很想 I just can't turn away 我只是不能逃避 I shouldn't see you, but I can't move 我不野凯悄应该看着你,但是我动不了 I can't look away 我无法转移我的视线 And I don't know how to be fine when I'm not 我也不知道我应该怎样在我不好过的时候让自己好过 'Cause I don't know how to make the feelings stop 因为我不知道怎样去让这样的感觉停止 Just so you know 就是像你知道的一样 This feeling's takin' control Of me and I can't help it 这感觉控制了我而我无孙罩能为力 I won't sit around 我不颂渣会坐以待毙 I can't let him win now 现在我不能让他赢(得你) Thought you should know 原以为你应该知道 I've tried my best to let go Of you but I don't want to 我一直尽力让自己从你那里解放出来 但是我并不想这样做 I just gotta say it all before I go 只是我在走之前不得不说完 Just so you know 就是想你知道的一样 It's gettin' hard to Be around you 陪伴在你左右正变得越来越难 Theres so much I can't say 这有太多太多我不能说的 And do you want me to hide the feelings 而你也想我把着感觉隐藏起来吧? And look the other away 然后去看着别人 Just so you know 就是像你知道的一样 This emptiness is killin' me 这份空虚正要置我我与死地 And I'm wonderin' why I've waited so long 我也很乡知道我为什么等了这么久 Lookin' back I realize it was always there, just never spoken 回头看我意识到它以往就总是在那里,只是没有说破 I'm waitin' here 我正在这里等待 Been waitin' here 一直等并也会依然等下去


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