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lung cancer什么意思

2023-06-07 21:37:40 编辑:join 浏览量:558

lung cancer什么意思

lung cancerna.肺癌小细胞肺癌的分子病理研究;肺癌的简介;支气管肺癌例句1.How much will our air make the lung cancer rate keep increasing?我们的空气会让癌症发病率再增加多少?2.Scientists found a link between tobacco and lung cancer.科学家们发现烟草和肺癌之间有联系。3.Continued smoking has serious repercussions for lung cancer patients, she said.继续吸烟对肺癌患者有严重的影响,她说。4.There was no question about the diagnosis: she had lung cancer.诊断结唯樱喊果已经没有疑问:她患了肺癌。5.Just as tobacco causes lung cancer, processed meats are linked to colon cancer.正如烟草导致肺癌,加工过的肉类也与结指野肠直肠癌有关。颂绝


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