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feminist perspective

2023-06-27 09:55:35 编辑:join 浏览量:562

feminist perspective

feminist 是女权主义者,女性主义者的意思者胡巧。Feminist perspective 也就是女权主义者做如的角度。而所谓女权主义者的角度,也就是女权主义批评的角度。贴上首键一段女权主义批评的定义,基本上就涵盖了你的 feminist perspective 要求了。Feminist criticism:An approach to literature that seeks to correct or supplement what may be regarded as a predominantly male-dominated critical perspective with a feminist consciousness. Feminist criticism places literature in a social context and uses a broad range of disciplines, including history, sociology, psychology, and linguistics, to provide a perspective sensitive to feminist issues. Feminist theories also attempt to understand representation from a woman’s point of view and to explain women’s writing strategies as specific to their social conditions. See also gay and lesbian criticism, gender criticism, sociological criticism.


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